It is April 22, which is Earth Day. Many images come to mind. Jimmy Carter building homes for Habitat for Humanity is one of them. Earth Day festivals, replete with balloons, music, and homemade goodies from all ethnicities are others. The first Earth Day was in 1970 and it became synonymous with a time for us to put all concerns on pause and come together as a species to celebrate our common home, our common humanity.

And then there’s the opposite of what Earth Day stands for, which is Melania Trump. Her “celebration” of Earth Day was the usual hurried, off point, non comprehending gesture, which you will see at the bottom of this page.

So Melania earned her spot in the media today, only not in a way in which she would wish to be depicted. Here’s what that looks like.

And it’s not just us mean libs, either. It’s Melania’s former BFF Stephanie Winston Wolkoff, who joins us in being underwhelmed.

Fourteen hundred bucks for flannel. And the shoes, clippers and gloves are all spotless and untouched, as is Melania. I always wondered why she wore white so much. Now I think it’s some kind of a subconscious desire to appear unsullied — which would make a great deal of sense if sullied is how you feel, right?

Remember how Donna Reed used to mop the kitchen floor wearing heels and pearls? She had nothing on Melania and that was the 1950s.

Here’s Melania in more relatable photo shoots. You’re welcome.

Life may be but a stage to some people and but a dream to others, but to Melania it’s all a photo shoot. She just wants to look good for the camera.

Yes, Melania did do a number on the Rose Garden. We should have all seen it coming with the macabre red (and dead white) Xmas trees, but we didn’t.

We’re sorry, Jackie. Truly.

Now Melania brought this upon herself. Somebody told her, probably at the last minute, that today was Earth Day and so she felt she had to make a statement. Here that is.

Yes, you saw that correctly. Melania had somebody stick a phone out the window and photograph the rain for twelve seconds. That was the totality of the thought and effort that went into Melania’s “celebration” of Earth Day and all its import and wonder.

And yet she wonders why we take shots at her? Why we shake our heads and scream, not knowing whether to laugh or cry? But then again, what do you expect from somebody who would find it a good idea to marry Donald Trump?


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  1. Some with editing skills should dub in a slight change in Mother Nature’s dialogue to the effect it’s not nice for attention grabbing wannabes to horn in on something as important as protecting our natural world:

  2. I had that exact red tartan flannel shirt for about the past 30 years until it finally sprang a hole in one elbow about 6 months ago. Man, I loved that shirt, but I certainly did not pay for it what stupid Melania did!

  3. Melania married Trump for his money , they even slept on separate floors in the White House . She doesn’t love him , remember the shot of them walking toward the White House after they got out of a helicopter and he tried to take her hand and she jerked it away . Yeah, that’s love …

    • She loves money, she loves attention, she loves notoriety, she loves power. She doesn’t love anything else, least of all dfg. She might love her son but I doubt she loves him more than she loves herself and all the items listed above.

  4. melanoma untouched? why I bet that eurotrash hoor and kgb minder has had more pipe than those nord stream pipelines required…
    putin f4cked her….

    • She wouldn’t be if she would stay in her lane. All the criticism that heaps upon her is due to the fact that she is pretending — badly — to be somebody she’s not. If she would have said from the get-go, “I don’t have a clue” and endeavored to take baby steps, she might have gotten some legitimate respect.

      • I agree Ursula, and I think that people that resort to some of the language in here should remember that we are all children of this planet, though some of us are noticeably more in tune with it than others. )O(


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