Right-wingnuttia operates in biblical terms. Nothing pedestrian or mundane for these folks, it’s all fire and brimstone, God and Satan, the war in heaven — and candlelight vigils waiting for the return of JFK, Jr. QAnon was already licking its wounds and feeling bad about neither JFK or his son showing up in Dealey Plaza on November 22, and then lo and behold, here comes Lin Wood and calls out Mike Flynn, saying he’s not a Christian. Then, adding insult to injury, the very next day Wood plays an audio clip of Flynn disparaging QAnon. This is the same Mike Flynn, mind you, who has sold QAnon paraphernalia for big bucks at right-wing conventions. Flynn is a QAnon God and now it looks like his feet are made of clay. Daily Beast:

On Saturday night, pro-Trump lawyer and QAnon booster Lin Wood released a recording of what purports to be a phone call between Wood and Flynn on Telegram. The audio’s publication comes amid a right-wing civil war pitting Wood against one-time allies like Flynn and other figures involved in the 2020 attempt to overturn the election.

“I think it’s a disinformation campaign,” Flynn said on the call. “I think it’s a disinformation campaign that the CIA created. That’s what I believe. Now, I don’t know that for a fact, but that’s what I think it is. I think it’s a disinformation campaign.” […]

“I find it total nonsense,” Flynn said. “And I think it’s a disinformation campaign created by the left.”

Flynn could not be reached for comment.

In the call, Flynn promises to send Wood an article about QAnon’s failure to come true. Based on text messages from Flynn that Wood also published on his Telegram account, the article Flynn referenced on the call was a Nov. 2 article by white supremacist radio host Hal Turner that endorsed the idea of mass violence.

In the blog post that Flynn apparently cited, Turner ridicules QAnon believers who traveled to Dallas believing the John F. Kennedy Jr. would appear. Turner wrote that Trump supporters would repeatedly look like fools “until something like a mass slaughter happens,” writing that the JFK Jr. debacle was caused because people were “too cowardly to stand up, pick up guns, and go kill the people” Turner falsely claimed stole the election.

Looks like Hal Turner is going to be one of the rising stars of the right-wing, especially in light of the Rittenhouse verdict. And the Rittenhouse verdict was exactly what sparked this controversy. Think of it as the lamp that Mrs. O’Leary’s cow kicked over which started the  Chicago fire.

Wood’s publication of the audio comes as part of a growing feud between Wood and Flynn and other figures active in the attempt to overturn the 2020 election. The fight kicked off last week when recently acquitted Kenosha shooting defendant Kyle Rittenhouse, a former Wood client, accused Wood in a Fox News interview of deliberately keeping him in jail to raise money off of his case.

Suddenly under attack by Rittenhouse, Wood grew publicly furious that allies like Flynn and pro-Trump lawyer Sidney Powell weren’t strenuously defending him. The ensuing clash has consumed QAnon and other far-right communities over the past week, while Wood grows increasingly hostile, even claiming at one point that a plane he was set to take a flight on was sabotaged in an attempt to kill him.

The Daily Beast goes on to say that it couldn’t verify the audio tape’s authenticity, although it is known that Wood does record phone conversations with people.

The operant question now is, how many more of these digital incendiary bombs does Wood have to drop? This could turn into quite a conflagration, very quickly.

And a further question is, who are the Xians going to believe is the real thing, Wood or Flynn? Flynn was already in trouble with right-wingers like Rick Wiles for his plagiarism of  “New Age Witch” Elizabeth Clare Prophet’s speech. Then Wood went and called him out the other night as a non-Christian and reminded him of the parable of David and Goliath. He said at that time that he had “more stones.” Could this be what he meant?

Lin Wood could be a dangerous adversary because at this point he has nothing to lose. He’s probably going to lose his law license and it’s questionable whether he can keep getting fees as a right-wing speaker for too much longer. His wings got substantially clipped when he was disgraced by losing his bid to chair the state GOP in South Carolina. Even Trump phoned in an endorsement for his opponent. Wood has not been the same man since.

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  1. They are acting like Soviet under Stalin – Constant tirades about sabotage and being under siege with a regular bloodletting among their own ranks to make sure everyone keeps up the eternal struggle against….

  2. Not that I would put it past the CIA to start a disinformation campaign, but, if it did, the campaign would not look ;ike QAnon.

    And the left is the last people in the world who would utilize disinformation – since truth is on our aide in every possible way.

  3. Maybe that little shit flynn is backing away from all this because he is noticing the Jan. 6th Commission is getting or has its ducks in a row. A low profile would be the intelligent thing to do right now although even that will not help the little shit.


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