This is something you’re not going to hear every day. For reasons known only to Lin Wood, he decided to post this on one of the social media platforms that he has access to and it has made its way over to Twitter. All the dirty laundry is here. Make of it what you will. Maybe the grifters are getting tired of waiting for reinstatement like Linus must get tired of waiting for the Great Pumpkin. Or, on the other hand, maybe they figure that this time it will really happen, like Charlie Brown thinks Lucy won’t actually pull the football.

Lin makes the interesting comment, “I’m not sure where all this money is going but somebody owes an accounting to the American public.” That gets the ball rolling, but it flies downhill into bat guano on steroids territory very fast.

Now this is where it gets nuts. Wood makes reference to “Sidney wanted to bed you down,” to Byrne and Bryne replies that his relationship with Sidney was the movie, “The Devil Wears Prada.” Sweet Jesus.

Now they’re discussing $7,000,000 which Powell has. The Big Lie is nothing if not lucrative.

Then it gets juicy: Wood says that “Sidney signed my name to certain lawsuits without my knowledge or permission.”

Then they start talking about $15,000,000, $40,000,000 even $70,000,000. Wow.

Now we’re back to Sidney as the woman scorned. She wrote Byrne love letters when he wouldn’t go to bed with her. That’s normal. We all do that right? Right? Right. :))

Now we get to Mike Flynn betraying Lin Wood. This is priceless.

This is the rest of what’s on Twitter. Again, this isn’t something you come across every day. The plot thickens.


This might be a little easier to read. If it’s cut off, go over to Twitter to read it, because this is so nuts. You have to see this.

This is getting completely nutso. This is getting as convoluted as the plot in “A Beautiful Mind” except without the math.

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  1. I’m starting to think all of these hucksters are so damned stupid their brains struggle to keep their bodies breathing…oh wait, I’ve always thought that.

  2. Why anyone would go near these people is beyond me. They need some serious treatment, medication, straight jackets, ball gags, circus tunes!

  3. I don’t trust anything any of them say. Especially Wood – he’s invented so much that I don’t think he would know reality if it hit him upside the head with a 2×4.

    • Wise precaution…but look also at the fact that they’re going after each other in a way that will not benefit either of them. I call that good news myself.

  4. How do we know that Wood, or Powell, or someone else, isn’t being paid to bad-mouth Flynn? Maybe to contaminate anything he might reveal about trump and his machinations?

  5. IS the whole gist of this piece supposed to tell me the election was 10000% legit?
    And if it wasn’t it doesn’t matter anyway, just take your jab, eat your bugs, own nothing and like it until I die?!


    And No, and I’m not replacing it with the word “SMURF” for the snowflakes that need a safe space from “bad” words….

    • Both growing up playing sports (and on some goddamned good teams too) and later in the Corps I was quite clearly told lots of times that I didn’t have to like something, but still had to do it. Especially when you’re part of a team, a group sometimes you even do things for the good of the team. So everyone succeeds. Any whiny asshole that doesn’t want to get vaccinated against Covid “cuz free-DUMB” has taken all kinds of vaccines in their life already, many govt. mandated. When you add in cases that were never diagnosed, and deaths that happened because people couldn’t get access to needed care for other serious medical problems because the health care system got overwhelmed in state after state Covid killed upwards of a MILLION Americans in the course of a single year. In the modern age with flu vaccines only 20k-30k die in a year most years – a year with between fifty and seventy thousand flue deaths is rare but that’s about as bad as it’s ever been.

      So to every fuckwad out there who doesn’t want to get their “jabs” I say shove a roll of rusted barbed wire up you ass. Sideways. My parents and other parents didn’t hesitate when smallpox and polio vaccines became widely available back when I was a young kid. They took us to the school where they were giving vaccinations and the parking lot was FULL and the lines were long but things were well organized and we didn’t have to wait long at all. And you know what, those deadly and/or crippling diseases got wiped out. Like I said I’m an old fart now, and I’ve NEVER met a single person in my life, or even heard about one where I live contracting EITHER of those highly contagious and dangerous diseases!

      So again, fuck EVERYONE who would rather risk dying or severe, perhaps lifelong health problems just to “own the libs” or some such bullshit. I don’t fucking CARE if any of YOU die due to dumbfuckery. However, given how easily Covid spreads you can easily spread it to others. Which makes every “I don wanna get vaccinated! Wahhhhh!” fucktard a potential murderer. Even serial killer. Selfish as a toddler demanding all the candy to be sure, but still willing to inflict suffering and even death on countless people from immediate family and friends to complete strangers.

      • The lawyers are coming for these people. When people who cannot get vaxxed for medical reasons are murdered by these selfish shits, lawyers will be going after them. I hope on murder charges at least but I’m sure the families of the loved ones killed by these people will make them pay one way or another.

    • Congratulations, citizen. You’ve just volunteered for Hell…completely of your own making and built by the bricks of your own pride. You get to die or be crippled for life, I get to live…fair trade. My regards to Ammitu when you see him.

    • We honestly do not give a happy rat’s ass if you get vaccinated. WE cannot fix stupid. Covid however can fix stupid. You are an adult, figure it out.

      Put another way-we have no more fucks to give. Live in good health, die in poor health, just don’t care. I will mention this–when you dumb-asses get people ill, and kill them, because YOU who can get vaxxed sicken others who for medical reasons cannot get vaxxed, do not be surprised when their families come after you all lawyered up. It IS coming you know. Just better hope you’re not the asshole who killed someone because of your selfishness.

      It’s not all about keeping ourselves healthy, and alive. It’s also about giving a shit about others-the less fortunate in society. I’m going to go out on a limb here and guess you’re x-tian. You sure act like those pieces of shit.


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