“The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn’t exist.” — Baudelaire

It’s an axiom of logic that it’s virtually impossible to prove a negative. Be that as it may, Patrick Byrne wants very much for you to know that his good friend Mike Flynn is not in league with the Father Of All Lies, even though to hear what comes out of Flynn’s mouth, you would have to believe that lying was, in fact, his religion.

I don’t know whether there’s still a war in heaven, but I can tell you there’s one firing up in right-wingnuttia as we speak. If you missed yesterday’s post about Lin Wood blowing the whistle on Sidney Powell’s thievery, among other things, go listen to it now. The crazies are out to eat each other and it is already entertaining. I had no idea Sidney Powell burned in the night for Patrick Byrne’s body and wrote him love letters after he spurned her advances, this is news to me. It’s also the sort of salacious nincompoopery that will get everybody laughing at the inhabitants of the far-right short bus and that’s exactly what needs to happen.

Listen to Byrne try to bring back the lost sheep into the fold.

This is what has landed Wood in so much hot water. He spoke at an evangelical gathering in Omaha in September and he plagiarized “New Age Witch” Elizabeth Clare Prophet.

So now he’s got Rick Wiles at Tru News after him and the entire house of cards may come tumbling down after this. The faux Xians are P.O.ed and nobody gets P.O.ed like a faux Xian. And once again, here’s Lin Wood taking on both Mike Flynn and Sidney Powell and playing the God card. Hit the tweet and read the whole thing. This is Wood’s Xian manifesto, his declaration of war on Flynn “David and Goliath” as it were.

Right-wingnuttia is in trouble. Alex Jones is going broke. He can’t keep InfoWars on the air and pay off all those lawsuit judgments, Lin Wood is running simultaneously from the Georgia Bar, the men in the white coats and his enemies in Wingnuttia, after Kyle Rittenhouse called him “insane.” Ben Shapiro did a big 50% off sale, seems his donations are down. Maybe the anti-vaxxers are dying off and can’t contribute, ya spose? Steve Bannon is trying to bluff his way through it all, per usual and we won’t even talk about Mike Lindell missing yet another deadline. He’s over there on his Frankspeech marathon going hoarse and people are praying for his vocal chords. Yes, we got trouble, right here in Wingnut City.

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  1. The moment I always knew was coming has arrived. Enjoy the show, my friends…it might even take off the edge of the pain these people have inflicted upon us. Oh and no way Satan would EVER accept Flynn’s service. He prefers people with better ethics…like Richard Nixon.


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