In the world of the law one learns to define terms. Here, the salient term is “take care of.” That sounds positive, does it not? The common meaning is: “supervise, oversee, monitor, provide nurturing,” things along that line. But when it’s being spoken in Trump world? Wellll, that’s just a trifle different. Like with all things Trumpian, the watch word is: “Consider the source.”

The Trump casino, like the walls of Jericho, came a tumblin’ down. And if you don’t think our most cherished institutions will do likewise, then you have not been paying attention. We’ve shared this video before, but it cannot be overstated that as farcical as this appears on its face, the actual reality of a second Trump administration would be anything but amusing.

As a hypothetical, yes, this is the stuff of satire. But in reality there would be nothing comical about a second Trump administration. America would never survive it. When George W. Bush served two terms, our allies abroad looked at us side-eyed. If there was such a thing as a Mulligan in politics, Dubya was it.

But no. Along came Trump. And then our allies began to not only look at us with alarm, they began to talk amongst themselves and make contingency plans for a post-USA world, with respect to NATO in particular. This is a first. The election of no previous American president has so alienated our allies in the world like the election of Trump did.

We cannot do it again. Let us hope that we have learned our lesson. Do not forget, during the first Trump go round we had some adults in the room. Don’t look for John Kelly, James Mattis, H.R. McMaster or certainly Mark Milley, to be the voice of reason and a tempering influence.

General Milley may have saved his country when he was able to persuade his Chinese counterpart in January of 2021 that China was in no danger of attack from the United States. Milley’s credibility and the respect in which he was held was a key asset to us. We will not have that luxury again.

Mike Flynn might be the Secretary of Defense. You think anybody sane or reasonable in a foreign country is going to trust his representations about anything? No, we are up the creek without a paddle if Trump gets a second term.

Vote like your life depended on it because unfortunately it does.


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  1. Don’t worry about a little thing called democracy. The oceans warming are releasing methane off the ocean floor…FACT! Methane is worse than CO2…It hangs around a lot longer. Once Trump greenlights the fossil fuel industry, the earth will reach a tipping point of NO PHUCKING RETURN. FACT! If my cursing and in your face style offends you…GREAT! I suggest get with reality and realize this is life or death. Your feelings matter not one phucking bit. Feelings are NOT FACTS! Grow up before you die and condemn future children to EXTINCTION. You maybe will be allowed to wallow in self pity in the next life. We don’t have time for it here. VOTE!

  2. Uh oh…someone’s egg shell feelings are hurt. Dead children trump,(no pun intended), your opinion. Sorry not phucking sorry. This is a war and you are on the other side arguing with the FACTS! You are trying to end the future for generations of children if this nazi gains power. Fact once again. Cue up your very important disapproval. Oh and keep it where the sun doesn’t shine.

    • Seems to me the ONLY one whose “egg shell feelings are hurt” is you, Scott.

      Did you ever stop to consider some people just find your rhetoric to be MAGA-esque in its own style?

      And, exactly why did you check back some two hours later? Were YOU checking to see your “likes” and were dismayed that someone didn’t appreciate your TONE? GROWN UPS can look at a “dislike” or a “thumbs down” and wonder, “Hmm, did I maybe go a bit overboard with how I posted my comment?” But, not you. Anyone who might find you to be a, well, left-wing version of MAGA just HAS to be your “enemy” because that’s how YOUR reptile brain seems to function; you *cannot* possibly be hyperbolic in your commentary. You don’t even see how your second comment shows how juvenile you really are. Your original comment states you don’t care about offending anyone (“If my cursing and in your face style offends you…GREAT!”) but then you turn around and get all butt-hurt because someone DOES take offense–and your only reaction is “WAHHHHHH!”

  3. And where exactly did my climate observation include falsehoods? Geez…nazis on our doorstep to end democracy…climate change headed to a tipping point…billionaires buying our Supreme court…I’m here to stir shit up to alarm people, as are the authors, since it has been proven in the last elections, we are a fat, amoral, and stupid country, and you are incensed because of my “rhetoric”? What exactly is a left wing Maga? How disappointing for you of all people to not provide reams of detail. You’re right though…I am a radical that believes in democracy, social justice, equality, facts, telling the truth, and all kinds of ‘left wing Maga’ stuff. That’s reptilian? Juvenile? You are funny. I guess you would rather be popular than risk being criticized, although you do LOVE to criticize…this country wasn’t founded or saved the past several hundred years WITHOUT A FIGHT! Of course there’s a vast difference between us…I use my name…you hide by using only a first name…one of millions. Hey I welcome arguments, but I don’t respect people who get offended easily in the middle of a fight to the death…which this is. If rhetoric REALLY mattered then trump would still be a two bit criminal instead of being an ex-PRESIDENT and the GOP candidate. Oh, and I wasn’t aware there was a rule about when I check the discussion…please post those rules oh great and powerful OZ.

    • Billionaires bought the s.c. Wrong tense Scott. I’d say lol but nothing these stoopie f*cks have and/or are doing is particularly humorous.

      We have a serious battle in this country. Whining and moaning about rhetoric seems silly (looking at you Joseph). Whatever it takes to get people to pull their heads out of their asses seems appropriate.

  4. Thanks spike. I doubt soliders in a firefight criticize each other over the phrase: there’s another phucking nazi…shoot the bastard. lol. The irony is, I criticize an unknown person who didn’t offer an argument, even if they have one…and on climate change THEY DON’T HAVE THE RECEIPTS…I DO, yet the hall monitor calls me a Maga, a reptile, and a juvenile, while criticizing MY rhetoric..and a hater thanks him. If we have to depend on hypocrites and cowards to fight this we’d be phucked sideways. The only people never to face criticism are those WITH NOTHING TO SAY. I also know you’ve also caught a fair ration of shit. Keep up the fight!

    • I’m not a hater whatsoever. I find most of your comments offensive because I can sense the hate and anger. I come here to see what is going on in our crazy political world, but I truly cannot abide people being hateful and mean. I also can do without some of the profanity in some of the comments but that’s a diffferent matter. Being mean is never acceptable in my opinion. Things can be said in a kinder, gentler way. Or one can choose to ignore things one does not like, which is what I usually do, especially regarding all of your comments. Express your opinion every chance you can. That is your right and it is encouraged on this platform. But to call someone a hater for a thank you to Joseph for calling you out on your tone makes YOU the hater, not me. But I will come here still. I enjoy reading what everyone else has to say. And the writers are excellent. And as long as this platform is here, I will continue to read and learn and be amazed at the great job the writers do!

      • You’re correct. I do hate child killing nazis who commit atrocities. I hate cowards who’s daddy got him six deferments to avoid service and then desecrated the graves of fallen heroes after being explicitly told not to do so…oh and after his staff assaulted a woman doing her job, called her the liar and mentally unfit. Having five daughters, I hate sexual predators that destroy a woman’s self worth and sense of safety, some for the rest of their life, and have NO remorse for doing so. I hate a criminal who colluded with our enemy, breaking laws, stealing the election, then broke asylum laws putting children in cages and killed children at the border. I hate a lot of other things…injustice, greed, hypocrisy..etc. Mean? Nope. If more people hated people like Hitler and trump, tens of millions would have lived. By the way, since I come from a family who put their arse on the line in WW2, Korea, and Vietnam, I dislike people who think we got our country and our freedoms by being ‘nice’. Nice people stay home. Warriors are in a do or die situation. Given our present situation and the danger we’re in…being ‘nice’ is a sure road to hell. Sorry if you don’t like what I say or how I say it, but forgive me if I’ve never seen you argue with any facts. When I place running a popularity contest over truth, I’ll be sure to be much nicer. Until then…I understand we’re in a war for survival and we’re not close to being out of the woods. Profanity? Cultural bullshit pure and simple.


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