Larry Elder is the frontrunner in the California recall of Governor Gavin Newsom. He’s not having such a great time of it right now. He was asked recently if he trusted the election process and if he believed “Joe Biden won the election fair and square.” He said, yes, he did believe that. Then he saw his poll numbers tank and oopsie. He needs to walk that one back ASAP. Moral of the story: if you want a place at the GOP table these days, your first course of action is to embrace and ratify the Big Lie.

The paradox of this is that if the GOP wouldn’t have co-signed on the Big Lie to begin with, they wouldn’t be finding themselves in the position of having to defend it now. The lie is just bigger and bigger as time goes on because that’s how lies usually go.

California would be better off falling into the ocean rather than having this guy as its leader. Spineless doesn’t begin to cover it.


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  1. On my ballot, he’s on the second page, the back side.
    Personally, I’d rather vote for Faulconer, who at least has experience and isn’t a trumpista.

    • And I really don’t understand why the CA Dem Party couldn’t get its act together to find someone competent and *known* to run, not even the Lt Gov.


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