Four things you can absolutely count on whenever the GQP party loses a big election, especially a big election their favorite propagandists have been telling them is in the bag for months – someone will mindlessly recite the Lord’s Prayer while dishonoring an American flag (hey lady, he gave you this day and you lost), another will desecrate a crucifix in a manner that Linda Blair and the director of The Exorcist could never have imagined, one idiot will call for the military to junta up and overthrow our Democracy, and, finally, one overfed Stuffed Sargent of Meal Team Six will pull out a bullhorn and shoot off his fat mouth.

Thanks to the ingenious editing of Ron Filipowski’s latest video you can view, and heartily guffaw at, all four in rapid succession… sort of a moving montage of abject stupidity. And you can enjoy the taunting from the cheap seats i.e. Ron’s followers…



Joe delivers!






For sure.








With apologies to Ozzie, they’re all riding on that crazy train.

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  1. Them marching around the building (to the extent that they could), with shofars (which are Jewish and restricted to holy days), asking for…something.

    • Depends on what animal it comes from and likely how it was slaughtered. Seems like a lot of the xtian yahoos get their “shofars” from sources no Jew would get them from.

  2. This bit from the trailer of Dishonored 2 says everything about Gen Z’s (and my) feelings towards this crowd: “You never thought I would fight back. You never saw me as a threat. You don’t know me…but you will.”



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