Joy Ann Reid no longer and icon for the #Resistance movement


Before she became an icon of the #Resistance movement Joy Ann Reid posted some homophobic comments on her Twitter account. and when these were uncovered, she apologized for her behavior.

In 2007-2009, Reid joked that Congressman Charlie Crist, the then-Florida Governor, was a closeted homosexual.

She wrote “Now that he’s married to a girl, Charlie Crist is being sought out for all KINDS of good stuff… [The GOP] are wooing Miss Charlie to run.”

She said, “As someone who is not a member of the LGBT community, I regret the way I addressed the complex issue of the closet and speculation on a person’s sexual orientation with a mocking tone and sarcasm.”  She further added: “It was insensitive, tone deaf and dumb.”  She tweeted an apology to Crist, who appreciated the gesture.

Yesterday PFLAG’s National president, Jean Hodges, released a statement “When we extended our invitation to Ms. Reid to honor her at our 45th anniversary celebration, we did so knowing about the blog posts from the late 2000s regarding Charlie Crist. We appreciated how she stepped up, took ownership, apologized for them, and did better—this is the behavior and approach we ask of any ally.”

However, Joy Ann Reid’s recently backpedaled on her apology and reported to Mediaite that the homophobic posts discovered on her former blog were “fabricated.

Due to this new information Hodges added to her statement, “However, in light of new information, and the ongoing investigation of that information, we must at this time rescind our award to Ms. Reid.”


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