(Diary corrected, Gingrich’s wife was not dying but recovering from cancer surgery).
I suppose one cannot expect much in the way of fealty from a scumbag who asks his wife to agree to divorce terms as she recovers from cancer surgery in her hospital bed, fealty especially to a dingy old scrap of parchment like the U.S. Constitution, or to the oath one took to defend it.
No, Newt Gingrich is loyal to nothing except his own self promotion and to the MAGA movement whom he hopes will continue to buy his shitty books.
The January 6th Committee has requested the pleasure of his company this month, which they will likely have to subpoena, to discuss his advisory capacity to shitbags Jared fucking Kushner and fellow lady killer Jason Miller on a plan to launch television commercials, after the election had been decided, into states that drumpf had lost but still wanted, beyond all reason to contest, to incite anger in MAGA voters to stir them into pressuring their electeds to fight the vote certification.
And the committee would also like to question Gingrich on a missive he sent to Mark Meadows, drumpf’s Chief-of-Staff, at 10:42 PM on the evening of January 6th, 2021, hours after rioters had been cleared from the Capitol, asking if the White House had secured “letters from State Legislatures about decertifying electors”.
First the reporting.
“The committee said it obtained emails that showed Gingrich urging the Trump campaign to air TV ads repeating false claims about the election.
According to the letter, in one email sent to Jared Kushner and Jason Miller, Gingrich wrote: “The goal is to arouse the country’s anger through new verifiable information the American people have never seen before[.] . . . If we inform the American people in a way they find convincing and it arouses their anger[,] they will then bring pressure on legislators and governors.”
The committee also said information it obtained suggested Gingrich was involved in a plot to appoint alternate electors to vote for Trump on behalf of states that Biden won. The letter said Gingrich wrote in a text to Trump’s chief of staff Mark Meadows and White House counsel Pat Cipollone: “Is someone in charge of coordinating all the electors?”
But seeking to discredit a disappointing election before the final certification of the vote wasn’t enough for Newt, no, he was in there swinging even as the detritus of riot was being swept away and Pence and Congress were trying to belatedly complete the rituals of democratic governance:
“Gingrich, according to the letter, also continued to press Meadows on the evening of Jan. 6, 2021, after the attack, asking, “[a]re there letters from state legislators about decertifying electors[?]”
And the pertinent sections of the Committee’s letter:
You can read the Committee’s full letter here.
Yes, Newt was in the planning of the coup up to his beady eyeball, which I would estimate to be up to about 5’5”, much more so than I had been aware of until the Committee issued their polite invitation.
Jeeze, when are they gonna start to get tough with this scum?
Hey! It doesn’t take much digging to get this right:
“I suppose one cannot expect much in the way of fealty from a scumbag who serves divorce papers to his dying wife on her hospital bed . . . ”
Gingrich IS a scumbag, but this oft-told story is NOT correct, as reported by their own daughter. IIRC, the real story is the divorce was already underway; she was expecting to see a signed property settlement agreement, of some other procedural step in the process. AND, she wasn’t “dying” – she lived on for several years after their divorce was final.
Please stop spreading gossip. The truth is jolting enough where this character is concerned.
It’s more nuanced than you imply. You are correct that she wasn’t dying and various outlets including respected fact checking ones made that point long ago. However, the first wife WAS in the hospital recovering from surgery (the day before) to remove a tumor which turned out to be benign. What’s murky is Newt’s contention they had agreed to divorce already and hers that while separated they hadn’t reached that point. He also admits there was some “unpleaantness” to the conversation he had, something it seems his daughter’s (she was 13) account omits. Still, from where I sit KNOWING his still wife (even if he was already hooked up with what would become wife #2 who herself got dumped) to the hospital when she was still at least somewhat doped up on painkillers was a pretty shitty thing to do. He couldn’t have waited until she was discharged at least? No, given all that we know about him he was most certainly trying to catch her off-guard and at least a little doped up hoping she’d sign an agreement she normally wouldn’t sign without her attorney looking it over. He’s a shitbird. He’s been one for a very, very long time.
Thanks, I corrected the post. Guess I’m just inclined to believe the worst about him.
So much for that “contract with America ” and “American exceptionalism” bullshit that the GQP has been bleating about since America dumped the scum in 1992.