If anybody here is an expert on cults, particularly intra-cult disputes, please pipe up with an analysis of this move on the part of Josh Mandel. Mandel was resoundingly mocked yesterday when he didn’t get the coveted Trump endorsement to be the next Republican senator from the State of Ohio. That was not done out of plain cruelty so much as it was done out of response to this tweet Mandel posted.

Nobody could believe it.

Mandel has made it plain, of himself he is nothing. He is only something when in service to the Dreamsickle Deity.

It is absolutely the most pathetic thing that has been seen in American politics. I concur.

Here’s a reminder of the original America First movement from back in the day. Trump was no more original with America First than he was with Make America Great Again. Hitler coined the latter phrase.

As predicted, this midterm election is going to be surreal on steroids. I stand by that assessment.

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