Maybe this is an insight into what the obsession with Hannibal Lecter is all about. Lecter collects body parts. Lecter dominates. And so does Donald Trump, evidently, because he just said that he has, “Your back, your heart, and I have every other part of your body.” So he doesn’t just grab pussies now, he collects them as well? OMG. This is getting a bit too far out there for me. The advent of Kamala Harris in this race and the fact that she has completely turned the trajectory of the race around is straining what few brain cells Trump had left. He’s visibily sweating these days and all the bronzer in the world can’t cover it.

This man is seriously losing it. That is not hyperbole, that’s simple observation. And so is this.

The second photo is from 2022, as you see, and it’s the same old, same old. 2022 was a loss for the GOP. 2024 will be as well. The Republicans are doing what Einstein warned against, the “same thing over and over and expecting a different result.” And through it all, Trump gaslights first himself and then us, that he’s got record breaking crowds, he’s leading in the polls, etc. Meanwhile, kudos for the fast turnaround on this ad. Dr. Jack Brown says, “This will sink Trump.” From his lips to God’s ears.

Excellent work. First rate. The nanosecond I saw that clip in Dr. Brown’s feed I thought, “Damn. Perfect ad material.” And Harris is on top of it. Abortion is the hot button topic this year and that, coupled with Trump and Vance’s open misogyny is going to sink their sick, regressive, backward ticket. We’re not going back. Get it, MAGA? We’re.Not.Going.Back.

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  1. Question: how does he fool himself and his audience when they would know how packed (or not) the venue they’re in is; and whilst they were waiting to go in, how many there were also waiting to go inside? Wouldn’t they know that the venue is only partially full, so there would be room for at least *some* of the supposed thousands outside? How does he get away with that?

      • and yet, we’re not “owned”. In fact, the magats are owned-by von shitzinpants. Anyone who can tell a person to do all manner of asinine things (ummm, like say, write checks for legal fees to a “billionaire), and that person do them, is owned.

        Do magats truly not realize we think they are pathetic fools? Do they not realize we think they will do something truly stupid that will end up either costing them their lives or their freedom (most of think jail is a loss of freedom-maybe these idiots don’t)?

  2. Given that he’s gotten away with molesting women for so many years, this statement is probably what he believes. He’s saying he can do what he wants to women (in spite of E Jean Carrol) and that he owns our reproductive organs, and for now, it’s true in many states.
    I just wonder how many of his “dates” (or even wives) have wound up with unwanted pregnancies and what they did about it. If it weren’t so stigmatized, I’ll bet there would be more than one who would tell the world what a hypocrite he is.

    • From what I can gather, Tiffany was unwanted (at least by Trump) but Marla wanted the baby, so he allowed it. I think that’s a lot of his beef with Tiffany.

      • Tiffany dodged a bullet that’s for sure. Explains why of all of shitzi’s spawn, she actually might accomplish something on her own if getting a law degree is still in the cards.

  3. Asking the ass-****, where his information comes from and who has been stuffing his rear with feel-good drugs, because, he IS the brilliant one and if told that before asking embarrassing questions, that can be countered by I/WE, thought you were so smart, and now you cant answer simple questions …

    Hey Trump, have you been smoking bananas again?

    His forte has already failed him, HE ABSOLUTELY knows for a fact that those Judges he has been so vile with will offer NO alternative to paying his ginormous fines that come with very long prison options that will certainly outlast him personally, the fear in this beast has catapulted to the frontal lobes of his micro-mind, and in retrospect, all his poorly chosen words and actions are the ONLY reason he has garnered such a horrible position …

    Don’t look now DJT, Jack Smith is only a couple steps behind you, AND, he is wearing a black hooded robe and has a great big smile on his face, OH, I almost forgot to mention, be careful and don’t drop your bar of soap in the showers in prison, of course, you may have a special cell with it’s own john and shower, if you are very lucky …

  4. Trump is the unstable non-geniius. He is DANGEROUS. Period. Trump is turning our country into a 24/7 insane asylum. Worse: The MEDIA feeds off his outrageous behavior rather than calling him out for the blight he is and the threat he is. Then, there are those who continue to follow him, including Members of Congress. The swamp was emptied and became the sewer.

  5. Interesting how Magats bitch about no money for food because of Biden and yet send $$$ to a so called billionaire. You can’t fix stupid.



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