August 3 was a wild day. Trump indictment three, the sequel to Trump indictments one and two and the prequel to four, landed on the nerves of a nation whose ability to be shocked has been neutralized the past seven years by living as unwilling prisoners in Trump world. But even still, it made a mark.

Trump’s lawyers were out in force on TV. And frankly, I would not be surprised if clips of both John Lauro selling out his client and Alina Habba admitting on the air that Trump knew that he lost, (thereby shooting his already weak defense, that he believed he had won, clean out of the water) ended up being screened in Professional Responsibility classes (in law school) on how not to shoot off your mouth — especially when television cameras are running. It was quite a day. Yesterday, everybody was reacting. Today, people are taking stock and analyzing. Here’s what one of Trump’s million dollar lawyers said:

Nothing like contradicting yourself in the same statement. Ouch. But here’s the pattern: Trump’s lawyers are trying his case in the court of public opinion and that’s not the court that has the power to convict or acquit, as much as they would like it to be.

As Donald Trump entered a Washington, D.C., courthouse Thursday to be arraigned for his alleged role in trying to overturn the 2020 election, his lawyer was busy outside, undermining his entire case.

Trump was charged Tuesday for attempting to overthrow the 2020 presidential election. He faces four counts that include conspiracy to defraud the United States, conspiracy to corruptly obstruct an official proceeding, obstruction of and attempt to obstruct an official proceeding, and conspiracy against the right to vote. His record third indictment hinges on the argument that Trump knew he had lost the election but still actively worked to overturn the results.

Which means Trump’s legal team should be arguing that he genuinely didn’t know he lost. But Trump’s lawyer argued the exact opposite.

In other words, Habba admitted what the indictment said: A long list of people warned him not to do this.

The problem is also not how many advisers Trump had in the room. He and anyone else can simply say the election was rigged. That is technically protected by the First Amendment. The problem is that he acted on those words, despite knowing better, and encouraged others to do the same (this would constitute the “conspiracy” portion of the charges against him).

Habba’s other arguments in Trump’s defense weren’t much stronger. “What is it that he did to try and switch the votes?” she demanded at one point. “By bringing cases, by using the law in an appropriate manner?”

Wellllll… telling MAGA “be there, will be wild” and “fight like hell” using the law in an appropriate manner? Sounds inflammatory, just on its face.

Or, maybe she’s referring to the 60 cases that were brought and lost? Referring to that body of legal buffoonery isn’t much of an argument, either.

Shockingly, this isn’t the first time that a member of Trump’s legal team has decided the best defense is just to admit to everything. John Lauro bluntly confirmed Tuesday that Trump had pressured Mike Pence to delay certifying the votes (which is against the law) and had tried to use fake electors (also illegal).

This is why I’m predicting that this is going to be a black comedy, shitshow in court. Because his lawyers may sound plausible, if, and only if, you don’t know anything about law. They’re soundbite lawyers, TV lawyers, they’re not trial lawyers.


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    • Why do you think Trump hired her? For her legal skills? Nope. She had a law degree. Ok. But lots of people have law degrees. The “qualifications” that mattered to Trump were how she looked on camera, as in the “assets” that created that cleavage.” Anyone who thinks anything else factored into Trump’s thinking is kidding themselves.

      • Well, there is one other factor. She’s willing to debase herself and ruin her career for a chance that he might, might I say, actually pay her.

    My question is, will DJT be smart enough to realize it?

    • I’ll answer that last question although to do so properly won’t be nice but again I’m telling you how Trump thinks. He listened just long enough to make sure she was saying what he told her to say! As soon as he new she was doing that he stopped paying attention to what she was saying and instead focused somewhere else. And you know where. I have no doubt, NONE that he ogled her “rack” and thought, if not said out loud “LOOK at those tits!” Sorry to be so blunt but you and everyone else knows that’s the truth. I’ll spare you the need for a barrel of Brain Bleach by continuing what I know were Trump’s following thoughts.

  2. Maybe they think the ta-tas the silly women always has on display will do it for them. WTF is up with her always looking like a call girl?

    • Looking like a call girl is maga female requirement. Look at junior’s girlfriend hanging them out on tv, look at any maga news program, you’ll see they all dress that way. If you have nothing to say, distract the viewers with your cleavage.

  3. He needs to hire Lewis Black to give him.lessons on how to be effectively. angry because his current ach tick isn’t cutting it.


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