Right now the Democrats have more bumper stickers than there are bumpers to house them. There’s These guys are weird, When we fight, we WIN!, the prosecutor vs the felon, and mind your own damn business! All of them work, and between them, they hit just about every demographic.
But the fact is that Kamala Harris and Tim Walz aren’t running a campaign anymore. Not with $325 million in donations in a couple of weeks, some 200,000 volunteers signed up, and tens of thousands of newly registered voters. What they have on their hands is a full fledged movement, and movements are made to move. Whatever is in its way.
It was Governor Tim Walz that summed it up perfectly today in his speech before the United auto Workers when he said, Wow! Thanks so much for coming. Look at all of you! You’re working folks, just like we are. You got up early this morning, stood in line for hours, sometimes in the rain, just to be here today. And you did it for one simple reason, because you love your country! And because We love our country!
Now, my friends, that’s the only bumper sticker this campaign needs going forward, We Love Our Country! This is the campaign message most of America has been desperate to hear. Not A battle for the soul of the country, or The most important election of our lifetime, or even The battle for the soul of Democracy. What they wanted to hear was We Love Our Country!
God knows that Traitor Tot couldn’t pull this off. Hell, he’s like that character The Undertaker in those old horror movies, showing up in town right before somebody dies. And in all honesty, President Biden couldn’t carry it off either. While he could occasionally be aspirational, it isn’t his style to be inspirational.
But Harris and Walz were sent from Central Casting. They’re both unlikely success stories from diverse sections of Americana. Harris, the daughter of Oakland, who integrated her elementary school, went to a HBCU, and fought her way to the Vice Presidency. And Walz, born in a farming town of 400 souls in rural Nebraska. Spent 24 years in the Army National Guard, became a high school teacher with his childhood sweetheart, coached football and won a state title, went on to the US House before becoming the Governor of his adopted state of Minnesota.
They also share a critical component for this kind of a campaign, authenticity. They can go anywhere and talk the talk, simply because they’ve spent their entire careers walking the walk. Harris can walk into a minority neighborhood as a returning hero, after all, she spent years making sure that people just like them got fair and equal treatment under the law in San Francisco.
And Walz is even better. Small town to his toes, Walz is perfectly comfortable showing up somewhere wearing jeans, a check shirt, orange hunting vest and ball cap. If beggar Vance tried that, he’d look like a frat pledge that got ripped off by the sales clerk at the local LL Bean outlet at the mall. Mark my words, Walz is going to be a national treasure to the campaign when he starts hitting up small, rural exurban areas in swing states like PA, MI, WI and even OH and NC.
And if you zoom out to 30,000 feet and look, there’s another reason for optimism. Harris and Walz are actually riding a resurgent wave global newfound support for Democracy. Let me explain.
Six months ago the media and global political analysts were gloomily predicting the demise of modern democracy, especially in Europe. That was six months ago. Today, Poland clawed their democracy back from a wanna be autocrat, the conservatives are out of power in the UK for the first time since Noah took up shipbuilding, thanks to a grassroots self created liberal coalition that coalesced in weeks, Macron doesn’t have a fascist Prime Minister in France, Italy’s far right new leader has turned out to be much more moderate and pragmatic than many thought possible, and eventually Maduro is going to have to relocate to Miami after the ass kicking he took in the Venezuela election.
It isn’t just the US, the world as a whole is getting younger, darker, better educated, and more tolerant. And they have no time or patience for the tired old politics of fear, hatred and distrust. They want new, younger leadership, and they’re willing to take chances to get them. It’s a brave new world.
I thank you for the privilege of your time.
It’s a movement.
Carried by a wave that has turned into a tsunami.
And tsunamis don’t just get you wet, they sweep over everything and change the landscape.
The lies, spin, dishonesty, double-dealing, corruption, and sheer venal nastiness of the radical far right are being swept away by a tsunami of joy.
Funny thing about tsunamis, those changes, are usually devastating. I worry about what will be unleashed regardless of the outcome in November. We saw what was unleashed in 2016 when shitzinpants ran-and we’re still trying to recover from it. We saw what was unleashed in 2020-and we’re still trying to recover from that. What will be unleashed in 2024? I’d like to see a progressive tsunami that wipes out all the con crap–quite frankly if it wiped out all of xtianity, this would be a better country for it. We can’t count on anything really and the past has been worrying to say the least. I will not feel safe until the likes of ginny thomas, everyone involved with the proj 1825 garbage, the corrupt cons on the s.c., and ALL the planners involved in the J-6 treason are behind bars. And that is a very short list, but it’s a start. Labeling the heritage foundation as a hate group would not be a bad idea.
Another example of the turn away from right-wing government is in Hungary, where autocrat Viktor Orban is losing support.
The world is waking up.
Unfortunately, his ilk are managing to gain support throughout the rest of Europe. The French almost elected a quasi-fascist; Italy’s current Prime Minister is head of a far-right-wing party; and Germany’s AfD Party is still growing (although not nearly as rapidly as a decade ago; their electoral wins tend to get offset somewhat by electoral losses).
Wait, Murfster wrote “Today, Poland clawed their democracy back from a wanna be autocrat, the conservatives are out of power in the UK for the first time since Noah took up shipbuilding, thanks to a grassroots self created liberal coalition that coalesced in weeks, Macron doesn’t have a fascist Prime Minister in France, Italy’s far right new leader has turned out to be much more moderate and pragmatic than many thought possible, and eventually Maduro is going to have to relocate to Miami after the ass kicking he took in the Venezuela election”, which seems to contradict your comment.