Whelp, dig out the earmuffs and put Fido in the backyard Lara Trump, apparently impervious to mockery and insensate to our suffering, has posted on YouTube another collection of the guttural moans, off key rasps, and back forty enunciations she calls singing – gathered together under a title which the video itself gives lie to… “Anything is Possible”. No, Lara, not everything is possible. Your attempts to mold your terrible singing voice into something approaching melodious being a prime example. If you are very very lucky when your father-in-law loses this election and you and the rest of your clan of grifters and con artists get the long long prison sentences ya’ll so richly deserve, maybe you’ll meet a mentor in the shadow of yon prison wall who can, over the course of ten or fifteen years and at the cost of her sanity, teach you to occasionally hit a note that is not as sour as a vinegar martini. Until that happy day arrives excuse me while I join the rest of social media in laughing at your cluelessness…

And a crime against nature.




It’s their specialty.




Good. The cult deserves that.


💯 💯 💯



Please Lara, just shut up.

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  1. I think we’ve finally located the source of the Havana Syndrome sonic noise in the Cuban Embassy! Lara, dear, that is supposed to be used against foreign enemies, not political ones who are US citizens!! 😡

  2. Hideous noise, making ones ears bleed, has again escaped from a head, oddly shaped like a warped sandshoe! Shut your hole, you noisy article – your silence is golden, Lara!

  3. Not a musical question, I know, but how does that Brett Brooks porker manage to keep that pile of strangely dark dogshit balanced atop his chromedome? I’m impressed by that almost as much as I am by Lara’s whole “career” in show biz.


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