Need a pick-me-up? The Furkids thought you might so they’ve arranged A Little Ray of Sunshine just for you. The song is by Australian group Axiom with lead singer Glenn Shorrock and singer-songwriter Brian Cadd who wrote this song to commemorate the birth of his firstborn child and his transformation from hard rocker to doting dad.

The jukebox has been dialled back to 1970, primed with coins and ready to go. Just click on the play button then scroll down through the illustrated lyrics and sing along.


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  1. {{{Michelle}}} The reminder is always good. (Although all my “little rays of sunshine” are boys – and are growing up. The youngest grandson is 10, will be 11 in June.) Bless you and the Furkids. Healing Energy, {{{HUGS}}}, & skritches all around as appropriate.

    • Girl or boy, it doesn’t matter, does it – they’re all rays of sunshine in our lives. So are Charlie, Cloud, Freddie, Bobbie and Rennie (are they all boys too?). Loving hugs to you all and scritches for the clowder.



    • Hey you! It’s lovely to see you! The Furkids send their favourite journo-editor lots of kitty kisses and purrs!

  2. Precious Precious Michelle …. Thank you. (still want to know where you got pick of that white rat asleep under bankie with a tiny teddy bear)

    • I’ve had that pic for years. I think I may have picked it up from a friend who found it on Pinterest. Just a min, I’ll try sourcing it for you…

      Ah hah! It is on Pinterest but the original source is a free wallpaper! There’s no information as to where they came by the photograph though.


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