This didn’t take long. It’s a pretty sad day when the arbiter of morality is Fox News, but perhaps in this case, they’re an arbiter that Donald Trump will listen to.

A Trump PAC released the most tasteless political ad I’ve ever seen and I am a fan of political ads. Willie Horton was effective, the Daisy ad depicting WWIII was effective, and the best political ad of all time used a Bigfoot theme and it’s depicted below, as a bonus.

But first to Trump’s perfectly awful ad today and how Fox News and Karl Rove reacted to it.

I don’t know if Rove is right, that Trump is “worried” about DeSantis, or if Trump just plays as low and dirty with everybody that he possibly can, just on principle. The latter is my opinion. Kick ’em in the gut is the only “technique” I’ve seen Trump steadily employ.

Fox News may be trashing him today, but let’s watch them circle the wagons this time next year, if not before. Or, maybe they’ll surprise us and Ron DeFuture will be the guy they’re playing up to the hilt.

Now, as promised, the best political ad of all time, from 2018.

I have probably watched this 30 times and it’s always good. Great political advertising is an artform unto itself, although I’m sure this piece won some advertising awards. It had to.

As for Trump’s pudding ad, look for it to win the advertising Razzie, if there is one.

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  1. Yeah, it looks like everyone in the republiCLOWN crime ring are crybaby crisis actors.
    Every republiCLOWN “president ” over the last 60 years has been a mentally ill crisis actor AND since they know that sane people won’t vote for them, simply arrange for a convenient “assassination ” to put them in office.
    F4ck the republiCLOWNS….

    • Pence , to The NRA , just came out and blamed the
      national shortage of Mental Health Facilities on The Unhinged Liberals of the Sixties! , but everybody knows it was the Alteimers infected Regan who popped that bag on us .
      Mental Health Systems Act of 1980 – Wikipedia
      In 1981 President Ronald Reagan, who had made major efforts during his Governorship to reduce funding and enlistment for California mental institutions, pushed a political effort through the U.S. Congress to repeal most of MHSA. [1] The MHSA was considered landmark legislation in mental health care policy.


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