I just love how Christianity is bastardized in this day and age. The foundation of Christianity is love, tolerance, and inclusivity. But to hear Bob Good (R-VA) rave about the marriage equality act, and he’s supposedly a good Christian, you would never know that.

Good (and he is not) really got down and dirty, speaking of bestiality.

What is comical, or would be if this entire discussion wasn’t so tragic, is who cares who loves whom? The fact that somebody loves anybody is surely what God intended. I don’t know a single real Christian who would disagree with that premise.

And it’s not just Good, alas. All 169 Republicans downvoted the bill.

Forget about religion for a minute and just talk common sense. How can two people in one marriage be good and another two people in a marriage be evil? Have you ever known anybody, straight or gay, who has entered into marriage in an effort to exalt evil? I have not.

The bottom line here is fear. It’s been said in religious and metaphysical studies for centuries now that there are two basic emotions in the universe, love and fear. The Republicans are fearful and they’re fear mongers. Some gay couple having the advantages of marriage under the law is not going to affect anybody’s life adversely, let alone wreck society.

This level of intolerance here is disgusting. I’m sure if Jesus were here today He would not want these people to identify as His followers. This is not the Christian religion I know.


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  1. Those LDS sects down in the four corners region are still practicing polygamy-last I heard the ‘pubes haven’t bitched about them even when they were raping underage girls in their sham marriages. In fact, the government was interfering with their fucking religion when they busted that old pervert.

    fuck the ‘pubes and the bus they rode in on. They are hypocrites of the highest order.

  2. Jesus spent his ministry confronting the religious hypocrisy of the Jews. He broke all kinds of taboos about who you minister to and when. Atheists who are kind, good, & loving are closer to his teachings than the religious hypocrites who claim to speak for ‘God’. Lies. Fact. M

  3. For anyone who doesn’t know I’m agnostic but was raised as a person of faith. Ursula, the Jesus I learned about would be welcoming even to asshats like this. The thing is, THEY would ensure he met the same end he endured two thousand years ago.

    • Something I very rudely have said for years about what they’d do to Jesus myself. Not that it’s anything new…Dostoyevsky had a whole mini-story in his novel The Brothers Karamazov that said as much.

  4. Through approved gerrymandering, my district went from being competently represented by Abigail Spanberger to this greasy thing…….

  5. Blue, apparently you’re close (geographically) to me. We were redistricted into Spanberger’s district and out of Rob Wittman’s—-thank heavens!

    • You have a fine representative now……someone who gets things done…..well, except for the installation of broadband we have been promised for the last 7 years now.

      We will NEVER have decent representation again if my current district remains the same. The only real city in the new district is Charlottesville, which wasn’t enough to carry the district BEFORE they added every filthy redneck shitburg and fifedom in Va.

  6. Maybe Mr Good should take another read-through his little Bible and see just how widespread polygamy was in there. King Solomon, for instance, had 700 wives and 300 concubines (per 1 Kings 11:3). And, of course, Abraham had sex with his wife’s handmaid, producing a son (Ishmael–recognized by Muslims as Ismail which gives that faith a tie to Abraham) before he got his “legal” wife, Sarah, knocked up with a child (and, let’s not forget that little side trip the pair made to Egypt where, apparently, Sarah was so freaking hot that the couple pretended to be brother and sister so that Pharaoh wouldn’t kill Abraham and take Sarah as his wife). And then there’s the story of Jacob who got tricked into marrying Leah after working for 7 years, then had to work another 7 years to marry his “one true love,” Rebecca (no mention of any divorce in all that, either).

    And, then there’s the cuddly fact of “arranged marriages.” Most of these tended to be done among the very well-off as well as royalty but they generally involved young children being “promised” to each other (by young, I mean, as young as “just born”) although some cases do exist where prepubescent children were LITERALLY married in a formal ceremony even if they wouldn’t engage in the “marital act” for a decade or more.

    For centuries, what we now think of as “marriage” was reserved for the upper classes. For the lower classes, the practice of “common law” marriage existed; all this meant was that a man and woman would live together in the same house and possibly even have children (when it was called “shacking up” in the 1970s, it was frowned upon)–sometimes romance and love were involved but, more often than not, it was a purely economic matter. When marriage became a more common practice among the “common folk,” parents still tended to mimic the upper classes so that a woman’s parents felt a right of final say (if the man didn’t meet their standards, they’d refuse to permit the marriage) and the woman’s feelings didn’t matter at all.

  7. Frankly, his comments tell me more about his sexual fantasies than anything else. No one else thinks we should legalize bestiality or child marriage or FLDS polygamy. What a disgustingly prejudiced Faux Christian.

    Who wants to.break.it to.him.that the Bible is fine with polygamy? Jacob had two wives. David had many wives,and concubine. Solomon had hundreds of wives,and concubines. Polygamy is positively Biblical!

    • Yes, and the “Old Testament” Bible was written by rich/well-off men, for men! It’s OBVIOUS! Not judging people, who are caring, real Christians and believe in the New Testament! There’s a Hell of, a difference!


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