This is very grim. I hope that this story gets a lot of media attention, because this is a gigantic step into the darkness of Trump-generated conspiracy theory and right wing nuttiness and away from credible independent journalism. Trump...
Sean Hannity owns an impressive portfolio of apartment buildings in working class neighborhoods in Georgia and he is a slumlord, par excellence. He grinds the money out and cuts no slack whatsoever. Washington Post: “I was told that if someone’s...
Donald Trump's Bible thumping photo-op has turned into a public relations catastrophe. The New York Times reported that it was the brain child of Hope Hicks, now back at the White House after her brief sabbatical at Fox News....
As high profile as Michael Avenatti has been, it was inevitable that push back would come. None other than Fox News initiated opposition research unearthing tax liens against a chain of coffee shops Avenatti used to own. Avenatti ascribed...
Get out! Get out! The calls are coming from inside the house!   Horror movie line If this ends up going down the way I think it will, when the blame for the GOP 2022 debacle is laid, it won't fall...
It's a given that Trump and his minions spew lies and slanders about their "enemies" (i.e. their political opponents) at a rate only rivaled by the amount of sludge spewed during the Deepwater Horizon disaster. Today, the slanders against Joe...
Future journalists and media historians will look back on this time in our history and cite this era as when one man, Donald Trump, broke the mold on an entire industry, to wit, political reporting. The media has never... This is textbook dictator stuff. Ironic that Trump just got done dealing with a man in Kim Jung Un who doesn't allow any non-state sanctioned media in his country. Trump just declared the media that he doesn't sanction to be...
Leonard Pitts of the Miami Herald has had the same amount of success in reaching Trump's most diehard supporters as you and I, which is none. A little over a month ago he declared that he had given up...
The love affair between Donald Trump and Fox News has sailed through some choppy water in recent months and this morning, it hit the rocks -- although just why, is not clear. Democratic National Committee communications director Xochitl Hinojosa...



Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has. — Margaret Mead

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has.

— Margaret Mead