The love affair between Donald Trump and Fox News has sailed through some choppy water in recent months and this morning, it hit the rocks — although just why, is not clear. Democratic National Committee communications director Xochitl Hinojosa appeared on Fox, and it was a run of the mill, benign appearance. She was asked who the Democratic candidate would be, she said she didn’t know, but that any one of them “would be a better president than Donald Trump.” This is a new observation?

She also stated that, “If you’re looking at recent polling, most of the top polling candidates in a head to head would beat Donald Trump, and especially in those battleground states.” Nothing to see here, folks, business as usual in the run up to the primaries. But not for Donald Trump. He went bat-guano bonkers over this interview, and broke up with Fox, right there on Twitter, in front of Gawd and everybody.

“Spewing out whatever she wanted, with zero push back by anchor.” Apparently that translates as “Fox anchors are supposed to crush anybody who says that I am less than perfect and going to win in 2020” — or something.

Here’s a link, if you want to listen to the interview. Standard operating procedure stuff, the word pedestrian comes to mind, but it hit Trump where he lives. Man, if he’s this rice paper-thin skinned now, the next fourteen months are going to be something. Trump without Fox News should be interesting, sort of like a Happy Meal without fries. Wonder if anybody’s told Sean Hannity?

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    • The logical place is OANN, or throw in his lot with Sinclair Broadcasting, to the exclusion of Fox. This is a very interesting development. I can’t wait to see where this goes.

        • “One America News Now” — an fascist “news” outlet that is even more right-wing than Sinclair… my right-wing, Evangelical, Trumpster ex-landlady is given to sharing things from there, and most of the hard-right fascist FB groups love them lots…

          • Hey, Sis!
            Your original comment – IMO – got it exactly right, he really doesn’t have anywhere else to go. Yes, the other broadcasters are more right-wing, and purer, but most of the MAGAs couldn’t find it on the cable guide if they tried. They honestly will not follow him past Fox, they’re not capable. They are conditioned, through years of programming, to believe Fox is perfect, it gives them their “thoughts.”
            That is not near as easy to leave behind as one thinks, it is actually damned hard.
            His crowd isn’t going to buy this “Fox is on the Left now” tantrum. Some will. Most won’t. They will see a remarkably weak man, shocking some of them, wondering how a president could care THAT MUCH about one single segment. Why is he even watching that much TV? (We know, they might not.)
            I think some existential questions are coming down the pike. Trump is veering into greater and greater insanity, vulnerable. His crowd isn’t used to “vulnerable” but it isn’t deniable now.
            Last, Fox will be wanting to bail at some point. They are not going to be all “pro-Trump” on the day the shit really hits, and the week he resigns or gets beat. Just like the Russians, they, too, will be looking at an exit plan when Trump is no longer useful to them. I wrote a while ago, this wasn’t sustainable, and people will dodge him totally, quite soon, IMO.

          • You read my mind. This is what I was thinking, that they would not follow him anywhere else. He and fox are inextricably linked.

          • They are definitely peas in a pod! Be interesting to see how President Bluster Fuck diverts, distracts and wiggles his way back into the good graces of a by gosh and by golly, born again Foxnewsworthy-bullshit paradigm. The other possibilities are losers and he knows it!

        • They purchased the local newspaper in a larger town where I live in Oregon around a year ago and their subscriptions have fallen off dramatically. Some folks with half a brain left can see through the hype and BS…I send good vibes and lots of luck to those who can’t.

    • He’s a liar, that’s what he is, he’s also deathly afraid of what’s going to happen to him when he gets booted out of office, he is panicking and just throwing shit to see what/if anything sticks. He’s got nothing left.

    • Vladimir, MBS, and the rest of the co-signers. Those are the only people he really cares about keeping happy. That would be a good name for a rock band, “Vladimir and the Co-Signers.”

    • Beautiful image. Thank you. Maybe I’ll attempt to do another Screwtape Letters parody, in light of this recent development, and put that image in there.

  1. Makes me think of an old Bible song I knew when I was growing up: “Children go where I send thee,/How shall I send thee?” Hope no one is waiting on an answer for that from Trump.

  2. I love it!!! May his followers scatter like roaches to all of the nutcase “news” outlets. But…he could change his mind at any time.

  3. Anyone else notice that last line in Trump’s Twitter tantrum?

    “Fox isn’t working for us anymore!”

    Now, one could take that statement in two ways: The first, of course, is the fairly innocuous sense that one would use when one’s no longer getting the same reaction from a drug or when one’s taste has changed on a matter (“I don’t like this show any more; it just doesn’t work for me”); the second, however, simply verifies what many of us already suspected–that Fox was acting as a propaganda arm for the GOP White House.

    • I think the second. Honestly. The “anymore” really leaves it in the clear to me, as “at one point” they “did work for us” but not anymore.
      He is really anxious. Several stories of late, especially the polls, have really rattled his cage. I have to wonder if some in the WH sense that this is gaining speed downhill, and are thus fanning the flames a bit, letting more and more out.
      We will see.

    • I get tired of his very existence. The only proper funeral he deserves after all this is to have his body weighted down with rocks and thrown into the Potomac.

  4. He wants his Followers to turn the Channel over to “RT” RUSSIAN TV ! He said they give him high praise and say positive things about him ! No way in Hell will I watch Russian Television !!


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