Anybody who is the least bit upset with anything Joe Biden is or isn't doing should take a brief look at this video and refresh their recollection as to what we lived through the previous four years. This is...
"Oh would someone the giftie gie us, to see ourselves as others see us." -- Robert Burns Very often in life less is more and sometimes not at all is the best way to go. With respect to Donald Trump...
Don't underestimate the importance of the so-called religious leaders of right-wing America being behind Trump. Religion is an institution in this country which is currently under siege. Religion is highly emotional, subjective and frequently irrational and for that reason...
Donald Trump is only alive when he has an audience or when he's cheating at golf. Otherwise, he's a sci fi automaton, shuffling around from spot to spot until that magical moment he catches a glimpse of a camera...
What's in the shape of the Nazi crest and in the colors of imperial Russia and in the pockets of all the MAGAs who diligently send their wages to Trumpty Dumpty? Answer: the Trump Card. What's a cult for...
Who would have ever thought that a significant part of the American electorate was just waiting for some charismatic figure to become leader of a counter-culture political cult? I would not have guessed that was possible in a million...
Now granted, this is on the out of focus and grainy side. But the clip lasts long enough to where you can see Trump moving his mouth and he clearly has something wrong with it. It looks like it's...
This would be truly pathetic if it weren't so hysterical. Having absolutely nothing left to run on, mainly because they turned a once proud political party into a global laughing stock. The GOP, thanks to Trump, has settled on...
Render unto Caesar that which is Caesar's and unto God that which is God's and do it fast, please. These right-wing prophets are exhausting with their nonsense. This particular self-described prophet explains Donald Trump is still in the Oval...
Oh, you've got to love you these Friday news dumps! It's not even noon in the Pacific time zone and Trump world has just been struck with twin howitzers. It's just like watching Batman, KAPOW! BLAM! ZAP! The Cantaloupe...



Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has. — Margaret Mead

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has.

— Margaret Mead