Anybody who is the least bit upset with anything Joe Biden is or isn’t doing should take a brief look at this video and refresh their recollection as to what we lived through the previous four years. This is dedicated to Infrastructure Week, an ephemeral entity that would briefly appear, shimmer for a bit, and then vanish during the Trump administration, a lot like alien life forms on Star Trek. Contrast that with how Biden has handled it.

Nothing like real infrastructure v. imaginary. Hard to drive across a bridge that doesn’t exist or is filled with pot holes. But dealing with actual life has never been the reality TV guy’s strong suit.



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  1. Trump’s banal stupidity was his glowing ember that tried, but couldn’t quite burn down the barn … with all the crap he spewed constantly, he remained full of it …

    His persona was built of catch words or phrases, things he could say and get another Atta-boy, always and forever about him … once he learned how to say the word infrastructure, he played it like a one string violin found at the city dump … drawing the word out through his smarmy face with glee, not one clue as to the enormity of trying to repair and extend jobs survival and quality of life here in the US …

    Our planet is in dire danger of imploding from man’s needs to follow the gremlin greed, a cool billion, never enough, once on that monorail to more rather than less or stopping to make the planet safer for all and simple survival, we could lose the prize of a comfortable city park picnic, on a blue and white checked table cloth clipped over a sturdy table, a camping stove at one end, bacon and eggs cooking in the big fry pan … the fresh mown grass below your feet … sad, indeed …


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