As we all know by now, Donald Trump is, shall we say, excitable. On some days it almost seems like he wakes up in rant mode and stays that way all day long. There are a lot of people...
George Conway, who co-founded the Lincoln Project has always made no bones about being a constitutionalist. He sticks as closely to it as he can and he's shrewdly intelligent. While most folks who claim to be constitutionalists, Conway has...
You have no idea how much this sticks in my craw. But if I'm going to have any kind of integrity in here, then as much as I'd like, I can't always be painting the same side of the fence....
Holy Projection, Batman! What a shame Joseph Goebbels isn't here to see the fruits of his philosophy flourish and bloom within the ranks of the Republican party, circa 2024. The New York Times just dropped a story, "Donald J....
Various card games allow for the use of so-called "Wild Cards." They seem to turn up in legal cases (both civil and criminal) with regularity. That's why appeals courts stay so busy. And one has been dealt in the...
Whenever you see or hear them talking about a long odds sporting event about to be played, some sports nabob always responds with the same six words, That's why they play the games. And sports is chock-a-block full of the...
I was so glad to see this hit the news in the last hour, because it has been literally bugging the sh*t out of me for the last few months. Let me lead with my basic understanding of the legal process so...
Trump can't stand the idea of not being in control. For damned sure he doesn't want to have to sit in court as damning evidence of his crimes is presented, and some judge allowing for an orderly and dignified...
Trump Lawyer Christina Bobb, who was up to her earrings in Trump’s plot to undermine American democracy following the 2020 election, is mad as hell that journalists are allowed to report on Trump’s many, many legal problems and that...
One of my favorite aspects of social media is that at any time of the day or night folks will respond, especially if Lauren Boebert, Marjorie Taylor Greene, Matt Gaetz, or any of the other GOP nudnicks say or...



Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has. — Margaret Mead

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has.

— Margaret Mead