I was so glad to see this hit the news in the last hour, because it has been literally bugging the sh*t out of me for the last few months. Let me lead with my basic understanding of the legal process so you can see where I’m coming from.

I’m not a lawyer, don’t play one on TV, and try like hell not to sound like one in my columns. But the simple fact of the matter is that the yellow brick road from an arrest really isn’t all that complicated. Just so we’re all starting on the same page, here’s the basic outline.

Yo’ ass gets busted. Depending on the crime or circumstances, you’re either arrested and charged criminally, or indicted. You endure an arraignment, in which you plead not guilty, and ask for bail. The judge or magistrate records your plea, grants or denies bail, and sets the date for the preliminary hearing.

The preliminary hearing is where the pre-trial action is. The judge sets the start and conditions for discovery, meaning the prosecution turning over their evidence to the defense, a trial date, and normally three or so weeks before the start of the trial, a pre-trial motion hearing. 

And that pre-trial motion hearing is where the trial is really decided. Both sides file motions before the court trying to include or preclude various evidence or testimony from appearing before the jury. The judge listens to the motions, gets together with his law clerk to research, and at least seven days before the start of voir dire, or jury selection, delivers his rulings.

And then they go on to jury selection and trial. Both sides present their evidence, make their arguments, and the jury decides. And this is the part that has been bugging the sh*t out of me. If the defendant is convicted, then the defense goes before the circuit court of appeals, and tries to argue to a three judge panel where the original trial judge f*cked up in his or her decisions, and why the conviction shouldn’t be upheld.

This is the part that has been driving me crazy! Once a judge is assigned to a trial, the judge has complete jurisdiction over the trial. And if the defense loses, then they go before the court of appeals to appeal the conviction. But Trump’s legal carp have turned the judicial process into Alice through the looking glass. They’re trying to use the appeals process, something normally used to appeal a conviction, to try to neuter the sitting judge’s authority before the trial even begins!

This has been driving me crazy, but finally I find that I’m not the only one. On The Last Word this evening, Lawrence O’Donnell broke the news that a group of constitutional scholars filed an Amicus Brief, or a friend of the court letter that states that Traitor Tot’s absolute immunity defense has no place in front of either the appellate court, nor the Supreme Court, since El Pendejo Presidente hasn’t been convicted!

Thank you, Lords of Sanity! Appeals take place after a conviction, not before the pre-trial hearing. These motions belong before the sitting trial judge, it’s his or her trial. If the defense doesn’t like the rulings, the are free to appeal the decisions after the conviction. Not before.

And the appellate court seems to be of the same mind. It has already advised both sides that they will need to be ready to argue before the court on the notion that Trump’s appeal is premature, since he hasn’t yet been convicted of a crime. And in his 89 page response to the Trump filing today, Jack Smith’s team laid his premise to waste like a napalm drop on a Vietnamese jungle.

People, I cannot emphasize on you strongly enough how critical this appellate court ruling is. The oral arguments are next Tuesday, and some legal analysts have opined that the appellate court may already be writing their majority opinion ruling against Trump, before the oral arguments are even  presented, so that they may rule quickly.

If they rule with Judge Chutkan against Trump on the merits of Trump’s absolute immunity claim, then it’s headed directly for the Supreme Court. But if the appellate court rules that the Trump appeal is premature, due to Trump not being convicted, then they hand SCOTUS a gift wrapped ruling to allow them to decline hearing an appeal pending conviction.

Of the appellate court rules that Trump’s appeal is premature, then his criminal trial is still on track for jury selection on March 4th. And if the Supreme Court, as expected, kick this sh*t can down the road pending conviction, Trump’s rattletrap plane is sh*t out of runway. Trump will go to trial on March 4th. Don’t touch that dial.

Thank you for the privilege of your time.

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  1. BREAKING ABC27 News: Amendment 14 lawsuit brought to bar Rep Scott Perry (PA) from reelection. The Amendment 14 movement has begun. He is but the first, guaranteed. As Elon Musk would say: “Vox populi.” 🤣👏

  2. One arguement against (absolute) immunity for Trump: SCOTUS allowing such immunity would have to apoly to Biden as well. SCOTUS won’t go there.

  3. and his momma cried
    and we get to the pointy ends of Federal law as Murphy well knows
    you can be yo, pull my finger and fart
    funny, however
    jon Smith has practiced law in the Prague
    if I’m Trump, I’m Shitting Tiffany Cufflinks

  4. Going along with your naval analogy the torpedo has already hit the SS (shit storm) Trumptanic. Two of them in fact. Both judge Chutkan’s ruling and Jack Smiths motion which you’ve described. It’s damage party control time and frankly the damage is way too big to fix. The ship is going DOWN. How quickly depends on whether the appellate court will get the fuck over themselves and rule swiftly. I’d like to think you’re right that their clerks are already working on drafts of a ruling that can be polished up within a couple days after oral arguments. But these fuckwads took SIX FUCKING WEEKS dicking around the with the gag order apppeal. From where I sit they are quite taken with themselves and their power and are OFFENDED at anyone suggesting they should act with dispatch. THESE shitheels seem to have a collective attitude of “NO one is going to rush this “August” body of jurists. Well get around to it when we feel like it and if anyone doesn’t like they can fuck off.”

    I hope I’m wrong. I really do. But while they can and should rule before the end of next week I wouldn’t be the least bit surprised if they fuck around and don’t issue a ruling until the end of January. If then. THESE are as Elmer Fudd would put it “vwelly, vwelly important people” and by goddamn they want everyone to know it.

  5. In defense of Elmer Fudd, and in memory of the late, great Mel Blanc, I believe he would have called them “vewwy, vewwy impawtant peepoo.”

  6. would any other American be allowed to go to appeal before conviction? our system is way messed up. it’s supposed to be the same for everyone. it’s not. that is a serious problem going forward. if I were anyone else coming down the same pipeline as the orange bozo I would demand the same treatment.

  7. immunity isn’t a question of improper conviction it’s a question of whether or not the defendant should have even been charged and tried in the first place. I would think everyone would want to resolve that before expending a lot of resources on a trial.

    • No Bob, it’s still a matter of procedure…Trump’s lawyers DILED a motion before Judge Chutkan asking that the4 charges be dropped due to his absolute immunity bullshit. Judge Chutkan DENIED that motion…Rnd of story, on with the trial…If Trump loses, THEN his lawyers can argue Chutkan improperly decided the motion and ask the verdict to be overturned…That’s jpw it goes…Nobody I’ve ever heard of gets peremptory appeals…It’s ridiculous…

  8. Moreover, if some insane court was to grant Muammar Covfefe absolute immunity for his “presidential” actions, then Biden should immediately order Trump encased in a cardboard box filled with Big Macs, labeled “top secret,” and shot into space by the Space Force, while the Marine Band plays and the San Francisco Gay Men’s Choir sings “nah nah nah nah, nah nah nah nah, hey ay ay, goodbye.” Maybe leave room for Lyndsay Graham, Gym Jordan, MTG, Boebert, Ron Johnson, Tuberville, Mike Johnson, McConnell, Ted Cruz, Josh Hawley, and everyone at FOX, Newsmax, and OAN. Because, you know, absolute immunity.

    • Biden should remand el douche’ to GITMO as a national security threat, stay in office to finish repairing the economy, fix the border, help defend Ukraine with the possibly Putin attacks Poland and we have to fight him along with NATO, using our troops, and protect the country from the MAGA domestic terrorist threat. He should fire all Republicans who helped or enabled sh*tler in his insurrection, institute Dem policies to expand SCOTUS, create universal healthcare, eliminate charter schools and repair our badly damaged public school system, eliminate private college loans, private donations to higher ed, & get religion out of govt, end all privatized govt functions, eliminate the oil industry and switch to renewable energy, etc. Then when he wants to retire, turn it over to VP Harris. Boom! No more R presidents. SCOTUS wouldn’t dare rule for immunity.


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