Just keep quiet and listen. Sometime over the next week or so, you're going to hear one last, tortured gasp, one last rattled exhalation, and the sound of an EKG flatlining. It will finally be over, Trump's ego will...
For the last 23 days it's been almost a national obsession. Can you believe it? Trump took boxes of secrets back to Florida with him! It's all the media talks about, it's all the analysts talk about, it's in every newspaper. Why not?...
Ya’ll remember Peter Strzok, the Deputy Director of the FBI’s counter-intelligence division who honchoed “Crossfire Hurricane” the investigation of drumpf’s ties to Russian Intelligence during the 2016 election. Proving the old adage that no good deed goes unpunished, Strzok was...
Trumpty has had a bad week and it's ending on an even worse note. For the past week we all (especially legal pundits) have been going "Wow!" over Trump being hit for some $355 million in his New York...
Yes, that explosion you hear off in the distance is the You Can't Make This $hit Up file exploding once again. It happens on a regular basis, simply nothing to be done about it as long as Trump world...
We got a few days reprieve from Donald Trump's $hitposting, but that's all over now. He's back on American soil -- ostensibly to show E. Jean Carroll what's what -- and he's mad as hell and telling MAGA not...
Media trucks are lining up on the street outside the The E. Barrett Prettyman Federal Courthouse in D.C. this afternoon and a little Mueller, She Wrote the soon to be rebranded Twitter is hoping she knows why: https://twitter.com/MuellerSheWrote/status/1683230198710550529 Apparently one person...
How intriguing that Mike Pence is all up in arms and sanctimoniously denouncing Donald Trump's recent indictment, yet his own wife and family members are hiding from the glare of publicity and not saying a word. And then there's...
The Georgia indictment was hailed as a watershed moment and this underscores that conclusion. Enough is enough and four indictments may have changed a lot of peoples' minds. Employee 4, named in Jack Smith's classified documents case, just changed...
NCRM is reporting Attorneys for Donald Trump Monday morning entered the U.S. Dept. of Justice, as expectations grow the ex-president could soon be charged in his unlawful removal, retention, and refusal to return hundreds of classified and top secret documents. CBS...



Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has. — Margaret Mead

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has.

— Margaret Mead