How intriguing that Mike Pence is all up in arms and sanctimoniously denouncing Donald Trump’s recent indictment, yet his own wife and family members are hiding from the glare of publicity and not saying a word. And then there’s Mitch McConnell….say, anybody see or hear from Mitch the past few days? New York Post:

But another source told The Post that the former first lady plans to “lay low” and out of the media spotlight.

“She will stay in Florida,” the source said. “She wants nothing to do with this. It’s embarrassing for her. And it keeps going.”

Yes, it keeps going and it will do so because Donald Trump won’t pull the plug. He’s got himself convinced that the indictment is a good thing and is going to help him win the election. If he would just retire from public life and say that he didn’t want to hamstring the GOP in its efforts to put forth a good candidate and have a shot at regaining the White House, Melania’s troubles would vanish. Trump will not do that.

Trump’s daughter Ivanka and her husband, Jared Kushner, a former senior White House adviser, were also said to be avoiding the issue in recent weeks.

“They want nothing to do with this,” a source told Page Six. “Ivanka lost a lot of friends and her social scenes during his presidency … They want to put it in the rearview.

“They want it behind them.”

Ivanka was quick to issue a statement proclaiming her love, if not support, of her beleaguered father.

“I love my father, and I love my country,” she said in an Instagram story posted to her page Friday.

“Today, I am pained for both.”

This is Ivanka’s full statement, along with the sentence, “I appreciate the voices across the political spectrum expressing support and concern.” WTF is that? This is supposed to be a statement of what, exactly? Support for whom? It’s a lukewarm nothing burger. Plus, this is all that Ivanka intends to say, according to an aide who told that to the Daily Beast. She’s getting roasted for this fence sitting. The way this plays out is, “I have to protect my inheritance and not piss off Daddy but I certainly am going to infer that I’m on the right side of this moral quandary.”

It’s hard to argue with anything Ivanka says here, but it is not a statement of moral clarity. Nor is it (conversely) a statement of strong support for her father. She’s flailing and trying to have it both ways.

Now, it’s understandable that a daughter might not want to utterly condemn her father. Further, children are not responsible for their parents’ sins. Except, of course, if you consider the fact that Ivanka served as the primary weapon in the “Trump’s not such a belligerent pig as his four decades as a public figure would make you think” propaganda push. (The New York Times headline for an article on Ivanka’s speech at the 2016 Republican National Convention? “Ivanka Trump Softens Father’s Image.”)

There’s also the inconvenient fact that Ivanka (and her husband) both served in her father’s administration.

Now, though, it seems Ivanka wants to go back to being little miss can’t be wrong. An article this week in People magazine notes that “Ivanka Trump is continuing to keep her distance from her father… as a grand jury weighs whether to indict the former president over an alleged hush money payment made to a porn star in 2016.”

Although Ivanka never publicly broke with her dad, despite all the horrible things he said and did, “insiders” now say that she “misses her active social life in New York, but is enjoying Miami and all that it has to offer.” How nice for Ivanka.

Daddy is a social pariah to decent people everywhere. Ivanka doesn’t want to deal with the fact that she was solidly in his camp, while she and her husband raked in the money. Some lukewarm distancing now is not going to amount to a hill of beans in her favor. The die is cast.

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  1. I don’t blame her, but then she knew exactly the kind of whoremongering asshole she was marrying from the get-go. After all, Trump very publicly moved then mistress and eventual trophy wife #2 into Trump Tower well before his divorce with trophy wife #1 Ivana was done! I get that she feels humiliated. It being made into a big deal publicly has to make it more so. Hell, I know how humiliated I felt several decades ago when my ex informed me there was another guy. So I get it. I don’t blame her for a “you made your sleazy bed and I’m not getting anywhere near it” attitude towards her p.o.s. hubby.

    Trump? He’s got a tee vee appearance to make, a courthouse steps and maybe a Trump Tower lobby one two (I wonder if he’ll be able to find enough people willing to take money to fill it like the first one?) to get ready for. Plus some Viagra assisted activity! Look, it’s public record that federal, state and local LE as well as DHS and the Secret Service put their heads together to coordinate security a couple of weeks ago when it became apparent Trump was likely to be indicted. And even in the face of strong indications it was going to get puched back a month physical preparations (barriers, etc.) continued so Bragg’s request to have Trump show up yesterday wasn’t an unreasonable one. The indictment was handed down what, mid to late afternoon? Plenty of time for Trump to get to NY, even last night.

    There was reporting, I guess leaked by Team Trump that the Secret Service begged off on that, saying they needed time to properly prepare to ensure Trump’s safety during his booking and court appearance. Except the Head of the Secret Service put out a statement yesterday evening calling bullshit on that! So they were ready to go. That begs the question of why wait until Tuesday? Five freaking days? Now, given I mentioned getting things set for a Trump domination of the news, perhaps complete with a visit to the Fox home in NYC to bloviate, perhaps even live that’s why. Then there’s the possibility that since the showing of protesters in NYC and everywhere else a couple of weeks ago when he announced late one week he’d be arrested the following Tues. was so pathetic he hopes his supporters can organize something decent for the TV cameras this time.

    However, I think there might be another reason. I have zero doubt that the last time she re-negotiated her prenup with Trump that “Melanie” had any provisions about how many times a year she’d have to have sex with him removed. He hasn’t gotten to fuck her since, and never will again. With them hanging out down there in FL all the time now you’d think Trump would be able to tear off a piece of ass now and then but Melania has her own friends down there keeping an eye out in case Trump tries – and is primed to make like Tiger Woods’ ex wife Elin with a golf club on his ass while he “glows” in bed over what a “studmuffin” he is! On the other hand, Trump Tower is a great venue for him to get some “ahem.”

    However, even Trump realizes just why he’ll be in NYC in the first place – screwing up paying off someone, another adult model or pornstar or even a really high-end escort to keep silent. Setting up the financial part to ensure it’s both legal and remains safely hidden forever and ever takes time. Hence the delay in going to NYC. And he’s NOT flying up that morning. Nope. He’s headed up on Monday and staying overnight. (Perhaps more than one night?) If If I owned or ran a tabloid or were a paparazzi I’d have a database filled with images of every Playmate for say the last five years. And pornstars. And any images from high-end escorts and services. And have Trump Tower already stake out at every entrance snapping high-res photos (and video) and feeding them into recognition software using that database!

    It would make a helluva story. Trump level tawdry and sleazy to be sure but with Melanis openly refusing to “stand by her man” it could blow up huge. And actually hurt Trump some.

    • There are differing schools of thought on what Melania knew she was buying into with Trump. A friend of mine who’s a New Yorker, tells me that New Yorkers actually felt sorry for her being jammed in the First Lady role because she’s such an utter misfit for that kind of a position. And maybe there’s some truth to that.

      I have zero sympathy for either of them. To me, they will always be the King and Queen Of Cruelty, which is what columnist Charles Blow dubbed them years ago after the pea coat incident.

      • I don’t remember who said it, but back in the 1970s when I was in college I recall reading some humor/satire regarding actual research on how often men thought about sex. And the suggestion to the effect that men think about two things. As in guys constantly think about sex EXCEPT when hungry and they start thinking about food. But as soon as their stomachs are full they only think about sex again. Probably more truth in that, at least for some period of our lives than most men want to admit.

  2. He’s 76 and obese. He inhales Adderall. Viagara would be contraindicated. Of course, it could produce a massive heart attack and solve all our problems. But, if Noel Casten is to be believed, the guy has lost control of his bodily functions and has to wear adult diapers – so not conducive to sexual activity. I think the delay has more to do with them trying to drum up some support, but of course all the Q-nuts have decided that it is all an FBI sting operation and they are not getting arrested this time.

    • My bad – the former production assistant at Celebrity Apprentice who spilled the beans on TFG’s need for Depends is Noel CASLER, not Casten.

    • When trump meets his maker, his base will mourn, gnash their teeth, beat their breasts, cover their heads with shit, etc. They will be inconsolable. Unless trump dies peacefully in his sleep, and maybe not even then, his base will be looking for anything and anyone (s) to blame for his demise. I imagine this qidiots have a scenario all written and ready to post on space karen’s twaddle and it will be written to promote as much violence as they can possibly manage. Let’s hope he dies peacefully as possible in his own bed. No he doesn’t deserve such an end but any other end will result in his band of rubes committing atrocities of every sort. They’ve proven they are not bright and are in fact criminally violent. Let’s not hope for the demise he deserves but rather one which will not destroy the nation.

      Much as I want this man gone, I want a stable country more.

      • Better if he dies in a hospital.bed with Iranian at his side and a bunch of witnesses,,including g the Secret Service and NYPD. And an autopsy is performed proving that it was,a massive heart attack.or stroke,not poison or the like.

    • It would be good optics, the wife supporting her wrongly accused husband. Like when Cindy McCain stood at John’s side when he was accused of some kind of dalliance with another woman.

  3. Tfpresidunce is going to remind the 3rd Lady of of prenuptial agreements, she’ll show up with him, fake smile plastered on her face.

    • Maybe she will. Or, maybe she’s told him that her lawyers have informed her that being present at an “arraignment” is not the same thing as “dinner party, or other photo op.”

    • I wonder if a codicil has been added to the pre-nup. She did not want to become FLOTUS. Anyone half-way intelligent would have bargained for a more generous settlement.


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