Well. I guess that stumping around from podunk city to podunk city trying to pimp his moronic POS GOP pop-up book just wasn't satisfying. Or at least it sure as hell wasn't bringing home the bacon to his bank...
Believe it or not, just when you think it can't get any dumber, the Trump criminal lawyers get loose and try to earn their living. And hilarity ensues. In a letter to GOP House Intelligence chair Mike Turner, Trump shills...
Mark my words, this is not going to end well for the GOP. In a brilliant A-Block segment last night, Rachel Maddow on MSNBC laid out that while conservative media has always been powerful in this country, it has a problem....
Alas poor Tucker, we knew you too well. Be gone, damn spot! And please, slow down enough to let the door hit you in the *ss on the way out. Barring any unexpected, earth shattering developments on Carlson's firing, I...
God, I'm such a shallow person. I'm sitting here watching the slow, irreversible, spinful political and personal self immolation of Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, and I can't stop giggling! The main reason is that I called this shot more than...
As I sit in my La-Z-Boy watching CNN and MSNBC so I can find interesting things to tell you, I have been OD'ing on the slow moving legal train wrecks of the Trump and FUX News cases. And the...
You can love me or you can hate me, but if you keep reading, I figure you at least tolerate me. And if there's one thing you can say about me, it's that I usually tend to come to...
I hope you'll all forgive me, but the GOP's savage guerilla war on women's reproductive rights has really been eating at me. And earlier tonight, I finally realized what has been eating at me. Monty Pythons Flying Circus perfectly...
Well that was almost anticlimactic. With all of the media hype about this ruling on the abortion pill case, I had expected either angels with horns and cherubs, or demons with fire and brimstone. And instead it turned out...
When suppertime came the old cook came on deck saying, Fellas it's too rough to feed ya. At 7 PM a main hatchway caved in, he said, Fellas it's been good to know ya   Gordon Lightfoot   The Wreck of...



Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has. — Margaret Mead

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has.

— Margaret Mead