Alas poor Tucker, we knew you too well. Be gone, damn spot! And please, slow down enough to let the door hit you in the *ss on the way out.

Barring any unexpected, earth shattering developments on Carlson’s firing, I don’t plan to waste any more time on this miserable creature. I have been fighting Mother Tucker’s foul, racist bullsh*t almost as long as I’ve been fighting the good fight against Traitor Tot.

Only to my mind, Carlson was even worse than His Lowness. For four long years, Trump had almost no control of what was going on in his administration, except when his personal interests were involved. But Carlson elevated himself at FUX to the point that he actually influenced Trump administration policy, as well as GOP policy, with nobody ever voting for him, and no official role in either the organization or the GOP.

You think I’m being hyperbolic? I’m not. In the aftermath of the Capitol riot, which was a PR nightmare for the GOP, especially when the J6 Committee got rolling, after the GOP took control of the House in 2022, it was Carlson who conned the spineless wonder, House Squeaker Kevin McCarthy, to give him unfettered access to confidential Capitol Hill security footage to craft an alternate narrative. It was a monumental disaster, but even so, McCarthy and the GOP acted like Carlson was on the fast track to an Emmy for investigative reporting.

In an interview a month or so on MSNBC, when the FUX News documents kerfuffle was at its zenith, former Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull, who has known him for most of his adult life, said that in his mind Rupert Murdoch was the most dangerous man alive for American and western style democracy.

I agree with the former Prime Minister. To my mind, Rupert Murdoch is the 21st century equivalent of Adolf Hitler when it comes to being an existential threat to democracy. For the simple reason that like Hitler, Murdoch ruthlessly controlled and used the media to get his message across with no room for alternative view or dissent. And if Rupert Murdoch is this century’s Hitler against democracy, then Tucker Carlson was Murdoch’s Josef Goebbels.

Carlson was always destined for FUX News, it was a match made in hell. The first time I saw Carlson, he was a contributor for CNN. In a moment of brain dead inattention, CNN gave Carlson a show, until they realized he was more interested in self serving rants than the news, when they gave him the gate. Likewise, in a moment of comatose ignorance, MSNBC gave Carlson a show for about two cups of coffee, before realizing they hadn’t stolen a diamond in the rough from CNN. And so it was adios MSNBC, and hola FUX News.

To my mind, what made Carlson such a unique hybrid at FUX, destined for superstardom is the simple fact that Tucker Carlson just. doesn’t. care. A soulless vessel for hate, it never mattered to Carlson what the issue was, he wanted to be on the wrong side of it. Carlson has no moral compass, either personally or professionally, and is totally in synch with his low IQ, hateful base. It didn’t matter what the topic was, from civil rights to voting rights to January 6th, from LGBTQ rights to abortion rights, to trans gender rights, Mother Tucker was against it. In spades.

And it’s not like Carlson was some kind of charming, erudite, thoughtful host. Carlson never presented one side of an argument as a prerequisite to a measured, well thought response. Instead it was a dive from a 10 meter board into the slop to wallow with his viewers. His every word was childish, racist, sexist, filthy, and disgusting. Carlson reduced every issue to its lowest, most racist denominator. And it made him a rock star. To the point that Carlson’s fans did the unthinkable, and bought his books! Which begs the question as to how well some of them can even read.

And now, like the drop of a guillotine blade, it’s over. MSNBC just announced that Brian Kilmeade is sitting in for Carlson this week?. OMG! Can FUX get any dumber? Pulling Kilmeade off of FUX and Friends, and putting him in Carlson’s chair, no matter for how long, is like MSNBC firing Rachel Maddow and putting Mike Barnacle from Morning Joe in her place! It was reported today that FUX stock is down 2.9% on the Dow today. Look for it to drop again tomorrow too.

Now the burning question is what next for Carlson? My best guess? In the short term, not much. a comment in my previous Carlson article posited that he could get a fat, cushy job on R/T. I’m hip, but I don’t see it for the simple reason that R/T doesn’t have anywhere near the domestic US reach that FUX does. OAN can’t afford him, hell, they can barely keep the lights on. NewsMax has their own pending lawsuits to worry about, but it’s worse than that. From what I’ve heard and read, NewsMax has spent the last six weeks gleefully smashing Carlson, Hannity and Ingraham in the chops over the Dominion revelations, trying to steal some of FUX’s viewers. How do they now turn around, tell their viewers it was all just a goof, and welcome Carlson with open arms?

Look, I honestly have no idea of what comes next for Carlson, nor in all honesty do I give a sh*t. As long as he’s off the air and out of my life, I’m just peachy. My parting words for Carl son would be the ones spoken by actor Bill Paxton in the movie Aliens, Express elevator to hell, going down!

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  1. With #ucker gone, who will cover the M&M gender controversy, or what happened to the Potato-heads?

    So much ‘journalism’ consigned to the trash. So much will be missed.


  2. “I honestly have no idea of what comes next for Carlson, nor in all honesty do I give a sh*t.”

    My thoughts exactly. Cheers.

  3. I at times listen to sports talk radio in my car. The person talking leads with whatever controversy is of the day, the latest trade, the latest scandal, but it usually revolves around the biggest celebrities, quarterbacks like Tom Brady, LeBron James, Tiger Woods, there is never anything serious being discussed, but you can hear the producers in their ear pieces or planned comments like ‘say something controversial’ doesn’t matter what.

    Tucker and his producers turned that into a master class, they didn’t care about advertisers, they just wanted eyeballs, they didn’t care about content, just say something controversial and hateful and people will keep watching, because they want to hate as well.

    Rush limbaugh lived his whole radio career doing the same thing. Joe Rogan is taking his place. We keep focusing on the central figure when it is really about the audience, the audience is seeking this out, if you are not controversial and hateful and anti diversity then they will turn the dial looking for the next more hateful person.

    Tucker can now fuck off, but he will be replaced because there is a market for his product which is hate speech. Chop off one head and another replaces it.

    • Yes, it is really about the audience. The fact that they are out there, demanding this racist drivel, is the shame of it. Someone will come along who is even worse and keep the audience glued to faux.

    • You say liar f*ck and the rest didn’t care about advertisers but I disagree. The fux formula was get ad revenue by showing the craporations just how many eyes were viewing this shit. Let us be brutally honest-businesses could give a rat’s ass less what some dumb fuck is spewing if that spewage gets eyes/viewers. Fux pushed that like a dealer pushes meth at a crack convention-easily and with no thought other than to how much ad rev will be brought in. Many, if not most, advertisers aren’t one hell of a lot different. There might be a few looking at the big picture but not all that many.
      (Not to pick on spike but a reminder to everyone. For reasons unknown Google throttling our views for “language” as in explicit curse words, including sometimes in comments. Some version of Dean Wormer from Animal House ‘Double Secret Probation?” Anyway, to all I again repeat Ursula’s recent request to add a symbol or two to certain words so as not to run afoul of the advertiser’ censors. Given my own sometimes prolific cursing I realize it’s a bother but if I can deal with it then anyone can!)

  4. Much of American society has seemingly devolved into a modern version of Roman rulers pandering to the mob, that mass of ignorant humanity they kept at bay with bread and circuses. In our day, it’s fast food, FUX News and the MAGAt GOP.

  5. Nah. Stick his head in the doorway. Let every woman you harassed and everyone you.lied about slam it shut hard five times. Might improve your I.W.

  6. When he lies he speaks his native language for the truth is not in him. Jesus talking about the devil in the 8th chapter of John. Hear that you fake ‘christians’? When you worship PROVEN liars…you are worshiping EVIL! Don’t care you say? Easy to shoot your mouths off ABOVE ground! Tic tok tic tok tic tok tic tok! Your time is gonna come.(led zeppelin).


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