In the red corner, wearing gold trunks with the red power tie, standing 6'3" an weighing way too much, Donald "The Big Lie" Trump!   And in the blue corner, wearing the black robe, standing 5'7, and weighted with judicial...
Well, well, well, nobody saw that coming. While Joe Crowley is a Democrat, his stunning defeat last night just highlights in my mind something I've been saying about Republican chances in November for six months now. Here's a few of...
Joe Bags is a conservative radio bloviator, and as such is sometimes an irredeemable asswipe, but in that reptile vivarium populated by bearded lizards such as Mark Levin, Steve Brannon and Sean Hannityjob he is hardly the most disgusting. So...
Oh dear Lord. The nurses are on break, and the inmates are off of their medication. After a delay of almost a month, due to the GOP House being unable to actually elect a Speaker for a week, which...
The problem with war is that Generals keep fighting the next war with the tactics of the last war How many times have I reminded you guys of my Catholic Mantra? In order to keep your faith intact, make sure it...
You know, if they all lived in the same place, you might be able to explain it by saying It's something in the water. But they don't, they live all over, in places like Ohio, South Carolina, and Florida. And if...
A con man's best mark is always himself That is true for two reasons. First, any con man considers himself mentally superior to his marks, so they're never going to catch on. And second, even if he is caught, his mark will...
Step by step, rung by rung. Climbing Jacob's ladder   Bruce Hornsby and the Range   Jacob's Ladder Mark my words, this is going to come back and bite the GOP on the ass, with T-Rex teeth. Right now, in the aftermath...
Come ON, Watson! Hurry! The game is afoot!   Sherlock Holmes Go ahead, call me a dreamer. Call me a fool. But congress returns to work tomorrow, and I'm telling you, you had better strap in. But I think that there...
I cannot get enough of this stuff. For a Select Committee that held only one public televised hearing, I cannot ever remember another committee that has done so many interviews and depositions in private, and yet keep finding so...



Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has. — Margaret Mead

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has.

— Margaret Mead