In the red corner, wearing gold trunks with the red power tie, standing 6’3″ an weighing way too much, Donald “The Big Lie” Trump!   And in the blue corner, wearing the black robe, standing 5’7, and weighted with judicial authority, Tanya “The Judge” Chutkan!

Yeah, I know, that was cheesy. But when I look at what I think is coming, it’s also incredibly apropos. Just a brief timeline;

  • At his arraignment on Thursday, the magistrate judge, who announced he had spoken to the trial judge, warned Trump that attempting to bribe, threaten, or intimidate a witness or others involved in the case could land him in the diaper pail
  • Less than six hours later, Traitor Tot heads to Bullsh*t Social and issues the following warning, IF YOU COME AFTER ME, THEN I’M GOING TO COME AFTER YOU!
  • On Friday Special Counsel Jack Smith delivers a letter to the court, requesting a protection order prohibiting His Lowness from divulging publicly confidential information in the records before beginning discovery. Presiding judge Tanya Chutkin gives the Trump legal team until 5:00 PM on Monday to respond to the government’s request. Feeling pissy, Trump takes to Bullsh*t Social to denigrate potential star witness former VP Mike Pence
  • On Saturday Trump’s legal flying monkeys responded to Judge Chutkan, requesting more time to prepare a response. In a rare Saturday ruling Judge Chutkin blew them off and reiterated the 5:00 PM deadline on Monday
  • Late today El Pendejo Presodente once again took to Bullsh*t Social yp announce that he would request that judge Chutkin recuse herself, citing totally unlisted extremely powerful evidence

I saw this coming, and I told you about it yesterday. Trump is uber pissed. The magistrate judge on Thursday landed a sucker punch to Trump’s kidneys when she corrected Trump’s lawyer by identifying Trump as Mr. Trump instead of his lawyers preferred President Trump, publicly stripping him of his imaginary title and authority. And since the magistrate judge had spoken to the presiding judge, they are both in the same rotten boat. And Trump is taking no sh*t from a couple of snotty women judges.

Here’s how I see this playing out, and the reason for the fight reference earlier. Trump’s legal team will file their written response, knowing them at about 5:58 PM, and Judge Chutkan will rule for the prosecution no later than Tuesday. But that’s just the beginning.

Judge Chutkan has almost a decade of judicial experience under her belt, and she knows a direct challenge to her authority when she sees one. And she’s not about to take a ration of sh*t from a sniveling coward like Trump.

I’m thinking that sometime on Tuesday Judge Chutkin will announce a hearing on Thursday or Friday, with all parties present in court, including defendant Trump. I can’t imagine Chutkan not wanting to put her heel on this judicial insurrection most riki-tik.

And in court she’ll treat Trump like a seven year old in the principal’s office. She’s going to lecture him. Trump will have to sit there, stony faced, and listen while judge Chutkan reminds him of the terms of his release, and that repeated violations of her order could cost him both civil penalties, as well as being placed in pre-trial detention. I’m currently sitting at 50-50% as to whether or not Judge Chutkan fines him $5-10,000 in civil contempt, just to make her point.

But Trump can’t quit, for two reasons. First, this is a direct assault on his overpowering ego, and without his ego and self respect, he’s nothing. And second, if he reins in and goes suddenly radio silent, he looks weak tp his loyal base in the face of authority, something he cannot allow, since he’s claiming that He’s doing it all for them!

Trump is going to have to retaliate, both on Bullsh*t Social as well as in rallies, his ravenous base requires it. Which means another trip behind the judicial woodshed. If Chutkin hadn’t already sanctioned him with a fine, she’ll do so now, announcing her patience at an end. And threatening him with sterner measures if he persists. Traitor Tot will have no choice but to continue to double down, it’s all he knows to do. The ultimate game of judicial chicken.

But here’s the thing. Judge Chutkan doesn’t care. Trump may be mired in ego and concern for his base, but all judge Chutkan is interested in is the law, and the sanctity of her court. She doesn’t give a fat rats ass whether he’s running for President or not, he is nothing more or less than a criminal defendant, and she’ll make sure he knows it.

Trump isn’t the only one. When Roger Rabbit Stone was indicted and arraigned, he drove Judge Amy Berman Jackson nearly to a frenzy with his blatant violations of her orders. But Stone was never anything but a low level pain in the ass, but political considerations led her to cut him some slack in order to avoid politicizing the court.

But Judge Chutkan is presiding over, arguably, the most consequential trial in the history of American jurisprudence. The prosecution is alleging that a sitting President literally conspired in the Oval Office to attempt a coup to prevent the peaceful transfer of power to his successor. If Chutkan f*cks this up, she will go down in history for it. And she knows it.

But Chutkan has options, and I’m confident she’ll use them. For starters, she’ll sanction Trump with fines first. But if he remains rebellious, she can take other measures. One that comes to mind is to order Trump to a period of home confinement, with an ankle bracelet, to make the point.

If Trump continues playing the political martyr and persists in his churlish behavior, then more stringent measures are called for. There is nothing to stop judge Chutkan from ordering Trump to a period of confinement in the federal MCC lockup, in an isolated prison medical ward or solitary confinement for say, 72 hours, with arrangements made for his Secret Service detail. That might do the trick.

Make no mistake about it, this is going to be a 12 round heavyweight championship bout. On one side you have Traitor Tot literally fighting for his life and freedom to return to the White House and make this all go away. And on the other side you have a federal district court judge with only the law on her side, and the future of American democracy at state. Letttttt’s Get Ready To Ruuuuummmmmmble!

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  1. Looks like traitor tot will finally get his long-overdue reality check. Like has been said, TFG has only dealt with civil cases up until now and he is accustomed to insult away to his heart’s content. This is not only a criminal proceeding, but central to the very heart of our democracy.
    I have a feeling Judge Chutkan will not suffer this fool gladly.

        • Georgia’s RICO Act is broad and Willis has used successfully before. Of course, the J6 case before Chutkan is HUGE and the most consequential. But RICO pretty serious stuff even on state level (and conceivably may set a precedent that will apply to more defendants than the J6 decision will).

  2. Trump held over for 72 hours on a mental-health eval. HAHAHA!

    Find him mentally incompetent to stand trial and hold him for his own safety. He might serve a longer sentence that way than if he were found guilty, like John Hinckley Jr. did for shooting Reagan.

    The MAGA crowd has the attention span of a ferret on crack. On 1/6/21, they held the Capitol until they got bored and hungry and wandered off to find an Applebee’s, TGI Friday’s, or Olive Garden. With Trump incommunicado, the most radical will get caught in terrorist actions, the next couple of levels down will kill each other in in-fighting, and the least radicalized by October will be wondering why they followed him in the first place.

    Probably the cheapest solution too.

  3. You are probably right but don’t think for a minute he’s not being treated differently than you or I did the same. We’d be in jail for contempt! FACT.

  4. In a bout between widdle donnie diapers and Judge Chutkan, I know who I’d put my money on and it ain’t widdle donnie. I cannot wait to watch this judge put the intellectual/legal boots to the fool.

  5. I do believe you are right. She ain’t going to play with the prick. It’s late Monday now. I haven’t seen anything yet. But like you say. Tuesday should be interesting because she’s going to call them all to appear and she isn’t going to put up with they couldn’t show up because I think by then she’s gonna have a mad on.


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