What you're about to see is sobering because it's so Trumpian in nature. And this may be the direction forward for the GOP from here on out, an utter lack of civility. Rather than admit a loss with grace and...
A subtle hint for the newest entry into the 2020 Democratic primaries, billionaire Tom Steyer. Go Home! And while you're at it, take that loopy Oracle of Delphi, Marianne Williamson with you. We're trying to conduct some serious business here. So...
Tears on MyPillow, pain in my heart, caused by you, you. -- Little Anthony and the Imperials The tide is finally turning with Mike Lindell. He realizes that he can't overturn the 2020 election, so now his focus has shifted...
No one should be surprised that Roger Stone hates democracy and wants to install Donald Trump as America's Hitler. After all, this is the guy who decided to have a tattoo of the worst political criminal of the 20th...
Look, I know some of you are going to read the first paragraph or two of this article, decide it's just a regurgitation of other shit I've written before, and exit out. I humbly beg you tp read through,...
This truly is worth the listen. It's satirical and it's dead on. The message of women rising up and going out and voting the bums out is simply great. https://twitter.com/nowthisnews/status/1049507998178189312 This tweet is generating a lot of blow back on Twitter....
GOP strategist Rick Wilson named his new book "Everything Trump touches, dies." I've been calling Trump the "Anti-Midas" for quite a while now, everything he touches turns to shit. Just look at Ronny Jackson. "The Candyman" was as happy...
America needs more Maxines.  In particular we need Maxine Waters.  If Democrats take the House back in November, the Chair of the Financial Services Committee has the power to subpoena Trump's bank records.  This person who has subpoena power...
One thing you can depend upon Donald Trump for, he will always find a way to confirm your worst fears about him, and then do something to lower your opinion even more. Pulitzer Prize winning journalist Carl Bernstein says...
Oh, noes!! Somebuddy's fee fees haz a hurt today! Donald Trump issued cease-and-desist letters to the RNC, the NRCC (National Republican Congressional Committee) and NRSC (National Republican Senatorial Committee,) telling them to forget about using his name and likeness...



Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has. — Margaret Mead

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has.

— Margaret Mead