A subtle hint for the newest entry into the 2020 Democratic primaries, billionaire Tom Steyer. Go Home! And while you’re at it, take that loopy Oracle of Delphi, Marianne Williamson with you. We’re trying to conduct some serious business here.

So Tom Steyer wants to be the next President of the United states, and he’s willing to spend $100 million to do it, huh? i have a question for you Mr Steyer. Are you sure that you’re thinking of the right party here? There are candidate like Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren who won’t take special interest money, hell, Warren won’t even hold fundraisers, and the DNC included a debate qualification criteria for small, grassroots fundraising to make it easier for candidates to get onto the stage. And yet you want to come riding in on a white charger like Shane, checkbooks blazing, to save the town of Democracy from the wicked, evil Hole-In-The-Head-Gang? Give me a break!

The last time I looked, there were Democratic candidates for President who were running in part on getting big money out of the political process!  About 8 months ago, the entire freakin’ Democratic party publicly celebrated the victories of grassroots, small donor driven House candidates who overpowered entrenched incumbents with deep pockets. And now you want to carpet bomb the airwaves in every early primary state and beyond, drowning out the voices of highly qualified candidates, just to stoke your ego, and make your point that nobody messes with Tom Steyer?

Those of you who read me regularly know that I have not been a fan of Tom Steyer and his tactics since day one. Sure there are many people who want Trump’s overstuffed ass out of the Oval Office, but polling shows that they’re in the minority. By spending millions of dollars in what is to Steyer Monopoly Money to pimp his online impeachment petition, Steyer has given them an oversized bullhorn, and this amplified minority is making it difficult for Nancy Pelosi and senior leadership to make sensible political decisions.

There are so many ways that this can hurt the Democratic party. First, even an egomaniac like Michael Bloomberg determined that this was not a political environment conducive for a billionaire to run for President as a liberal, yet here comes Steyer, crashing around like Frankenstein’s monster in the countryside. Second, the image itself is terrible. The Democrats are surrounding the White House, with pitchforks and torches, over an inept, bungling, unqualified billionaire mucking up the body politic of this country, and here comes our own Bigfoot, wanting to trade out one elitist goof for another. Third, the entry of Steyer into the race gives Trump the greatest gift of all, a poster child to use to rally his base around. Whom better for Trump to rally all of the mouth breathers and conspiracy nuts in his base against than the very guy who has literally spent millions to get Glorious Bleater removed from office?

But the greatest damage that Steyer can do will be done within the Democratic party itself, and he will do damage. Right now there are well qualified second tier candidates out there, like Cory Booker, Amy Klobuchar, and Kirsten Gillibrand, busting their collective asses off to get their messages heard. Steyer will drown them all out with massive ad buys in early states. And worse yet, in the process maybe disgust early primary voters with his assault to the point where they tune out completely. Steyer will make the debate stage in September by dint of polling, and doesn’t care if he doesn’t. Not when he can buy every ad slot for every commercial break at every debate. Let me ask you one simple question. Which is worse, the media tilting the coverage to Trump in 2016 voluntarily because of his “novelty value,” or Tom Steyer just buying it all up because he can?

Tom Steyer, you selfish bastard. You’re no better than Robert Mercer, Shelly Adelsen, or the Koch brothers, and you just proved it. The other 340 million of us or so be damned. You have the money, so you’ll tell us what’s in our best interest, and who is in the best position to tell us what’s best for the rest of us. Screw that. Just go home, and take your billions with you. We’ll work it out just fine on our own, thank you very much. And please, do let the door hit you in the ass on the way out.

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    • I never said it wasn’t, and frankly I agree with you, the dignity of the constitution and the congress requires it…But polling in favor of impeachment is at 45% right now, a near tie which is doable…Steyer was screaming for impeachment at a time when it was at 32% popularity, which would have cost us flipping the House last November, since the overlying message would have been, “Elect US! We won’t do hack shit except impeach Trump!”

      • Beautiful piece, Murfster. I wuvved it. WAAAA! I also changed the picture to full size. I’ll call you and tell you how to do that.

        • Okay boss…Glad ya liked it…I’ve been warning about him off and on for almost a year, and now he’s letting his freak flag fly…

          • Boss? HA! I’m a Murfster groupie from way back! I was lying in bed sick in the Spring of ’16 and reading you, and saying, “Oh, my God, I think this guy is right. Trump’s going to get the nomination.” We’re here because of you, Murf. I heard your voice and was drawn to DK to blog and the rest is history. Seriously.

          • I’m gonna start calling you Archeologist Ursula, for your love of ancient history…lol

          • It’s not so ancient. It only feels like it’s a million years ago because we have all lived through so much since it all started rolling in early ’16.

      • Was that comment directed at me, PJ? Murf and I have an in joke, where I am “Little Ursula” a cranky four year old Democrat who loves his blogs — and who lives in a surreal cartoon world of anthropomorphic toys, but we won’t go there right now. Telling him I wuvved the post is common for me. Sorry if it gave offense.

  1. Just what we need: another white male billionaire businessman with no political experience, running for president. /s^10

    • Yeah, tell me ’bout it…He got a big head from all of those signatures on his online impeachment petition…Hopefully just another flash in the pan like Avenatti…

  2. I am concerned that the Democrats are losing sight of their 2020 goal. Trump is the Democrats’ opponent, not each other. The Democrats running for president would be wise to remember that.

    According to a recent USA Today poll, Democratic voters’ number one concern is making Donald Trump a one-term president. This is more important to them than any one issue. And yet, this was certainly not apparent from reading these comments.

    In the last election, it was Independents who determined the outcome. And it is those Independents who will decide again in 2020. So, if Democrats can reach those voters with issues that appeal to them, they’d stand a good chance of swinging them left rather than right.
    How did the Democrats win over these voters to win the majority in the House last November? If you look at the districts that voted twice for Obama but then flipped for Trump in 2016, many of those districts are hurting financially. They’ve lost their health care, or they fear to have it taken away. Health care is the number one issue among most voters, not just Democrats. And Democrats made health care a priority in their messages to voters in 2018.

    The party simply cannot afford to nitpick this time around or they could alienate voters who might listen to criticisms about a candidate’s fundamental beliefs. To stop Trump’s re-election, we must blindly support all of our candidates, regardless of how much money they bring to their campaign! Party Infighting serves no purpose other than helping Trump.

    • I can’t agree enough. The bottom line is beating Trump. No matter what happens, we need to unite. I pray to God we don’t fragment too much into a cat herd, or we are lost and the country is going to be lost with us. The GOP only wants to hang onto power and stack the courts, all that. They’re sticking together, they always do, behind anybody with an R behind his/her name. We need to do the same.

    • Oscar, you are preaching to the choir…Programs and an agenda are important, but they have to be folded into the act of making the election a referendum on Trump’s corruption and incompetence…It’s great to say “I’ll raise the minimum wage to %$15 an hour,” but only as an add on to “Once we get rid of the most corrupt human since Al Capone”…

    • I agree, Oscar, and that’s why it bothers me so much when Castro, Harris and Swalwell went at their competitors during the debates. Swalwell has self-resolved, which was welcome after his ageist attacks. But we need our candidates to remember who the enemy is. Yeah, they got a lot of media attention because of their aggressiveness, but that’s also how tRump gobbled up so much media attention. Is it worth it in the long run when the aggression gets turned around and pointed back at us and our eventual nominee? Keep focused, let’s aim our attacks at tRump, not each other. And Tom Steyer, stop. Just stop.

      • Now is the best time to be aiming at each other. Next year, no. (Some of the candidates need to be called out on their “accomplishments”.)

  3. It has become more than obvious that getting all this money out of the electoral process is one of the most important priorities for a Democratic administration.


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