If you go over to Donald Trump's Twitter feed right now, you'll find this gem.
He's having a field day. The rest of us heard that Trump couldn't be indicted for crimes while in office, but could be upon leaving...
Well, Mueller the Magnificent turned out to be more like Mueller the Mumbler, in which his ability to respond to his Republican interrogators showed as much dynamism as a bedtime cup of warm milk. In general, the GOP goons...
If it was your instinct to roll your eyes and laugh when the likes of Doug Collins, Matt Gaetz, Jim Jordan, Andy Biggs and the rest were going all over the place, but mostly off the walls, as they...
Get your popcorn and peanuts, right here, ladies and gentlemen, and place your bets on whether Donald Trump will be as good as his word on Monday, when he assured reporters at the White House that he couldn't be...
Can somebody explain to me what all the fuss is about Robert Mueller bringing an aide with him when he testifies before Congress on Wednesday, when, if I recall correctly, the Mueller report concluded that there was "no collusion"...
We’ve all seen, heard of, or read about it. A well dressed, well off, PhD who gets skinned down to his skivvies by a 16 y.o. high school dropout with a 3 card monte table on a street corner....
Tomorrow Robert Mueller takes the witness stand to expound upon his 400 page report to Congress. Before you watch that, watch this: a five minute video, starring various Hollywood luminaries, which summarizes the Mueller report. If the common man...
I just hope that the Democrats didn't commit the cardinal sin of over hyping Robert Mueller. As Mueller's actual testimony has loomed ever closer, both committee chairs, Nadler on Judiciary, and Schiff on Intelligence, have done a nice job...
Mueller Report Concluded Too Soon
Traitorous Conduct Goes Unpunished
By William Wallace
Most Americans viewed the appointment of Robert Mueller as Special Prosecutor, with a sigh of relief and heartfelt hope that we would now find the truth and wrongdoers would be...
Set your clocks. One week from tomorrow, July 24th, unless the Democrats in the House once again find a way to snatch-defeat-from-the-jaws-of-victory, Robert Mueller will finally speak his piece, in front of two packed hearing rooms, and an electronic...