You know Rupert Murdoch & Son over at Faux Spews are done with the Orangeutan when they begin asking pertinent, probing questions about the bionic grift machine as if he were just another common pickpocket caught with his red...
I guess Rupert Murdoch and I have more in common than I think. He has adopted my favorite pet name for Donald Trump, Trumpty Dumpty. It is a no brainer. If anybody embodies the clueless egg, sitting on a...
Over the coming days we will hear a lot of rationalizations from Right Wing talking heads, radio propagandists and politicians concerning the failure to launch of the prophesied and breathlessly anticipated “red wave” last night; and the vast majority...
This is a relief, almost, and if Kevin McCarthy had any awareness, which he does not, he would be relieved himself. He was never cut out to be a Majority Leader. He thought that if he waited out Paul...
I suppose we might as well start out with the ridiculous and hope that the night progresses. I had thoughts of doing a live blog here but now I'm thinking I'll just pick up noteworthy races and chat about...
This is good. Occasionally a parody really nails it and this is one of those times. Meidas Touch has crafted a two-minute spoof of the party of law and order which shows you how clueless they truly are. You may have...
Well, if this is not enough to get your blood boiling on the day before Election Day I don’t know what will do it. Yesterday in Miami, Florida, credibly accused sex offender and alleged child rapist Donald Trump took to...
Before I start to dump on Trumpenstein, I have a Special Announcement to make. I'm so sick of just sitting around the house all day, every day, I am now Officially running for President in 2024, where I'll kick Trump's pansy ass...
Political parties rise and political parties fall. Something happens in their internal dynamic which causes them to lose their way. This we have seen. What we have not seen is a petty, public squabble between a defeated one-term president,...
I know you have $20 in your wallet, can I have $10 of it?   Political fundraising text or blast Most of you know that Teri and I donate to Democratic candidates. Not as much as in 2020, but things change....



Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has. — Margaret Mead

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has.

— Margaret Mead