My newest hero is Rep. Cedric Richmond (D-LA.) He graciously yielded the floor to Matt Gaetz, when discussing the topic of police reform. Gaetz then proceeded to pick a fight and then Richmond took back the floor and let...
I'm sorry, but right now, I just keep wanting to cry. You all know that I have been following the Derek Chauvin murder trial on MSNBC, basically being homebound. But the testimony of Dr. Martin Tobin literally reduced me...
As the National Guard and local law enforcement attempt to enforce the 11:00 p.m. curfew mandated by the Mayor of Washington D.C., the Secret Service has Donald Trump tucked safely away in the bunker, the first time a president...
I wrote previously about all of the possible changes to upcoming investigations and trials concerning police officers, especially white police officers, involved in the killing of unarmed black men and women. But there is one almost veratrin change out...
This is not normal. In most major trials involving heinous crimes both sides end up engaging in what is commonly known as The battle of the experts. The prosecution trots out the best the state has to offer in that particular...
It's all beginning to come back to me now. Donald Trump walked across the street from the White House, Monday, to St. John's Episcopal church, not to pray, but to do a scene, specifically, to set the tone for...
Leave it to Charlie Pierce to eloquently contextualize the trial of Derek Chauvin, the police officer who saw an expendable human being in George Floyd, and for reasons known only to himself, decided to allow some demon of his...
This is not a headline that you're going to see just any day. This is a major step forward in political accountability and social engineering. New York Times: Nine members — a veto-proof majority — of the Minneapolis City Council...
If you sling words around like frisbees all day to make a buck or two like I do, and if you've spent the last 5 years flinging those frisbees at one Donald John Trump, it can be incredibly frustrating....
Donald Trump has nothing on his calendar today, so he may be monitoring Twitter, as is his wont to do. If so, he's probably picked up on the fact that Mitt Romney is converging on the White House, in...



Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has. — Margaret Mead

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has.

— Margaret Mead