Donald Trump has nothing on his calendar today, so he may be monitoring Twitter, as is his wont to do. If so, he’s probably picked up on the fact that Mitt Romney is converging on the White House, in a peaceful march with hundreds of other Christians, marching in solidarity with Black Lives Matter. Trump is not going to like this one bit, especially since his own efforts at becoming an icon of Christianity fizzled and blew out so ridiculously last week when he did his stroll across Lafayette Park to St. John’s.

Romney seems to enjoy baiting Trump — regardless of what his other motives are, and I’m not impugning them, baiting Trump seems to be an undercurrent of much of what Romney does. As I’ve stated before, I think Mittens is planning to run for president again in 2024. I could be wrong. Let’s wait and see. In the meantime, I heartily approve of his anti-Trump stance. As unabashedly racist as Trump is, somebody in the GOP is going to have to send a different message.


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  1. Ursula, I’m kind of doubting that even Romney would be considering a run for the White House in 2024 as he’ll be 77 in November of that year and will be two months shy of his 78th birthday on Inauguration Day (he was born March 12, 1947). Granted, Biden is 77 (and will turn 78 a couple of weeks after Election Day) but he was also a relative late-comer in actually announcing his intention to run; Yang announced his intent to run in November of 2017 while Gabbard, Warren, Klobuchar, Sanders and Buttigieg (along with 15 others–both big names like Kamala Harris, Cory Booker and Julián Castro, and relative no-names like John Delaney and Wayne Messam–who dropped out before the primaries) announced their runs before Biden finally threw his hat in the ring.

    Biden (I’d venture to bet) will only serve one term if he is elected, looking to groom–even put his “stamp of approval”–on the Democratic candidate for 2024; if he’s really smart, he’ll be looking for a VP nominee who’ll be able to pick up the ball and become the unchallenged Democratic nominee in 2024 (especially as most of Biden’s time as President will be spent undoing all the damage that Trump and his cohorts have done these past 3 1/2 years).

    • Very wise commentary Joseph. I hope Biden is actually thinking along your lines. So let me ask you – who’s your pref for running mate? Mine is Stacy Abrams. She might possibly be able to help him win Ga, and she is young, REALLY smart, a fighter, and a fantastic speaker. My perception is she is much sharper than Kamala or Klobuchar or practically anyone else besides the mayor of Washington (another super-sharp leader who REALLY gave Trump the most perfect-est F You ever this weekend)! Your thoughts?

      • Brian, I agree with Abrams as his best VP choice– and I’m from Minnesota. I believe having a black VP is a no brainers right now and Stacey has my support!

  2. Willard is just as evil as Trumpelthinskin and that hasn’t changed one iota from the days when Willard was destroying US corporations, laying off US workers, and profiting off the misery & wreckage he left behind. This marching with protesters is as much a political photo-op as the Dictator in Chief grandstanding in front of the cameras holding a bible in front of St. John’s Church in DC. Meanwhile Willard is pushing hard where no news cameras are in sight to get his fellow GOP-Nazis on board with his “Trust Act” that will form a secret committee that votes with no outside input to steal SSA retirement benefits for millions of Americans who paid into SSA.

    • No argument on any of the above, Steve, which is why we should treat this the way I did Murkowski’s impossible threading of the needle on Trump. Romney is a windsock who has a decent understanding of which way the wind blows at all times. As such, he sees Trump’s time almost being up and wants to get ahead of the curve.

  3. How odd that there don’t seem to be very many cops at THIS peaceful protest. But then cracking Christian heads would probably cost Trump the white evangelical vote.

  4. The sad thing is, had Donnie Dumbass not been a chicken-shart and done his little photo-op without having his tin soldiers clear the protesters, it would have been a real plus for him. Imagine walking through the crowds and greeting the protesters. Would have almost guaranteed a second term. The bum is nothing but a coward who can’t even fake empathy.

    • While there is merit in Lewis Carroll’s imagining six impossible things before breakfast, none of those merits apply to Trump’s actions. His psychology made that course impossible.

      • At minimum he could have waited a few more minutes until curfew. This was Trump’s message to America. “If you disagree with me, I will dominate you with the military on my side, and God on my side.” That was the point of giving the domination speech while violently clearing his promenade before curfew in order to walk over to a church to hold up a Bible. If he had taken the chance of waiting until curfew, the area might have emptied out and he would have lost his audio-visual to accompany his domination speech. Suppose the protesters defied curfew. then he would have some rationale,but he just couldn’t take that chance. That is why Barr was on the scene as his reality TV on-location director. Barr could see they were not likely to get any of the mayhem from the day before, so he had to create some mayhem.


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