It’s all beginning to come back to me now. Donald Trump walked across the street from the White House, Monday, to St. John’s Episcopal church, not to pray, but to do a scene, specifically, to set the tone for Operation Themis, which he is now implementing by deploying 2,100 troops armed with bayonets on the streets of the nation’s capitol. (Themis is the goddess of divine law and order.) Trump hefted the Bible, as if testing it’s weight, and when asked if it was his, he replied, “it’s a Bible.” Trump probably doesn’t know that people actually own such things and read them. Trump held up his the Bible, maybe channeling divine power, who knows, and he muttered a few words about what a great country this is and how it’s going to become even greater, bla bla.

Bishop Mariann Budde saw the charade for just what it was, Trump using the Bible as a political prop and denounced him for it. She said, “he didn’t come to pray” and “a Bible is not an American document.” Now in order for this impromptu street theater to take place, Trump unleashed tear gas upon what was a peaceful and lawful assembly and seeing that brought back memories. Believe me when I tell you that the introduction of tear gas into a peaceful protest is an unforgettable, and unforgivable, experience.

The year was 1972. I was 19 years old and and studying journalism/media at the University of Colorado. It was springtime, as now, and an election year, as now, with a despised Republican incumbent running for reelection, as now. If you weren’t there, or are too young to remember, the politics of that era were wild. As a young person I took it all in stride, having nothing to compare it to, but my elders told me that they had never seen anything like this before and I believed them.

JFK was assassinated in 1963, followed by Martin Luther King in March of 1968 and then in June, Bobby Kennedy who was the front runner for the Democratic nomination was murdered. The death of Bobby Kennedy was a milestone in American politics. That was a fork in America’s road and we will never know what that road not taken would have been. Kennedy offered a vision of hope for the country and a continuation of his brother’s dream. With his death, the Democratic party lost it’s most capable and charismatic leader.

The resulting 1968 election, with Hubert Humphrey as the Democratic standard bearer against Richard Nixon, and with George Wallace pulling in 46 electoral votes as the American Independent Party candidate, was catastrophic. Political scientists defined it as a “major realigning election” which translates as an election which results in sharp changes in ideology, party leaders, issues, and/or regional demographics or bases of power. This particular major realigning election of 1968 permanently disrupted the New Deal coalition, which had been in effect since 1932. Democrats were the majority party for all those years. We had the White House that entire time, with the exception of eight years of Dwight D. Eisenhower, and Eisenhower was nothing like the Republicans of today. There is no room for a character like Eisenhower in today’s GOP. In the face of tragedy and riots, Tricky Dick won the day in 1968 and then in 1972 wiped out George McGovern, winning 49 out of 50 states.

But before that happened, 1972 was about Vietnam, Vietnam and Vietnam. It was all anybody ever talked about. In May, 1972 the Vietnam war escalated with the invasion of Cambodia and all hell broke out nationwide, exactly like what we have seen in the past few days since George Floyd’s death.

In Boulder, Colorado students blocked the Boulder-Denver turnpike and protests broke out simultaneously all over the city. Here is old news footage that I found on You Tube.

My first awareness of this development was when I was lying in bed in the infirmary and I heard voices chanting “Peace Now.” I got out of bed and walked to the window and from that vantage point I could see what looked like hundreds of people snaking up towards the Hill, a Boulder landmark that is on a hill near the campus.

I was in the infirmary because I had a case of food poisoning, but they rehydrated me and treated me nice and I was as good as new. Now my recollection of details is hazy at this point, but I think the scene out the window was the previous night and I was discharged the very next day, but things were still hopping, demonstration wise. I went to the student union and got a cup of coffee and asked a couple of people what I had missed, and they put me up to speed about the number of people arrested so far and said that more demonstrations were scheduled for that night.

So I decided to go to the demonstration, my first. As night fell the crowd began to gather and it was reminiscent of a rock concert. Remember, I was 19 years old, I didn’t have too many events to reference to, so that’s how I was seeing this, as an ad hoc, outdoor gathering, with placards and politics in lieu of bands and music. We spoke about Vietnam and Cambodia. We spoke of people who had been drafted and killed, of those who had evaded the draft, we spoke about Nixon, we spoke about how McGovern said he would end all this his first day in office, we smoked a little weed. It was a pretty normal night in Boulder, all things considered, except we were standing outside en masse. Somebody near me had a radio and estimates of crowd size were being made. There were quite a few people out in the streets and more coming.

Where things started to go south, was when a group of vigilantes, separate from law enforcement showed up. I never found out who these people were. One image burned in my memory is of a tall, fat, bow legged redneck dressed in jeans and a ten gallon hat carrying a piece of green rubber garden hose. He straddled the sidewalk and he had a kind of nervous tic going with the hose. He would take it in his right hand and smack the hose into his left, and then repeat the action, maybe envisioning bashing in some hippy fairy’s head.  He was scary. At least he managed to scare me, because I decided to head elsewhere.

I think I turned down 28th Street, or maybe it was Pearl — I was on foot — but in any event, I found myself walking towards a huge group of protesters and they were more organized than the group I had left. They were thrusting placards in the air, with the classic slogans of the day, “draft beer not students” “make love not war” “end the war before it ends you” and lustily chanting, “Hell no, we won’t go.”

I was watching the crowd and a guy next to me was taking photos. When he reloaded his camera I chatted with him and he said that he had been in Chicago for the 1968 Democratic National Convention and had photographed those protests. He said he had photographed Bobby Seale in court. Seale was tried separately from the Chicago Seven and he was raising so much hell in court that the judge ordered him bound and gagged and tied to the chair. His lawyer objected and said, “Your Honor, this is no longer a court, it’s a medieval torture chamber.”

While we were talking a guy walked up and introduced himself as a reporter from KHOW radio and asked the photographer who he was working for. Then the reporter and I started talking and I told him I was studying journalism. He thought I was articulate and so he asked me a few questions and recorded my answers and they played later on the news that night.  I didn’t know bupkus about this demonstration and I had just gotten out of the infirmary, but I was selected to be the voice of the protest, or one of them at least, by chance. So I talked about guerrilla theater. I have zero recollection of what I said, but something about Vietnam, capitalism and making a spontaneous socio-political statement in the streets. It made sense at the time.

So the reporter asked me and the photographer if we wanted to come with him in his news car while he covered the protest and we said sure. The car had a police radio, naturally, and we were listening to police dispatches from the Highway Patrol, Sheriff’s Department, and both Denver and Boulder police departments.  We drove all around various streets in Boulder where protests were taking place and got out from time to time to talk to people and take pictures. And then for reasons that I didn’t find out that night, or ever, somebody gave the order to forcibly break up the protest — just as Donald Trump gave the order to break up the protest so that he could do a photo op at the church across the street.

What transpired next was positively surreal. The three of us were standing in the street and we could see the protesters, and then farther up the street, several police cars and a snake line of cops standing in a row. It was like a western movie gunfight, where the good guy and the bad guy are in the street, with a big space between them, looking at each other, waiting to draw. Except the protesters didn’t have anything to draw. They were carrying placards, not weapons. The photographer, who was a veteran of the 1968 Chicago riots, and who had been tear gassed before, saw it coming and he shouted, “We’re fucked!” and we started to run for the news car. A huge cloud of white smoke appeared and we were down wind. Maybe that’s why the cops fired, maybe they were just waiting for a change in the wind, so they didn’t gas themselves.

The tear gas hit us. If you’ve never experienced this, you get a burning in your eyes and nose and a searing pain in your throat. You feel like you are suffocating, choking and going blind simultaneously. At least those were my sensations. We reached the car and I got in the back seat and the reporter got in the driver’s seat. The photographer had locked his door and so he was pulling on it and in seeming slow motion I leaned forward and flipped up the door lock. He had only been outside maybe 3-5 seconds longer than me, but it made a difference. Tears were pouring down the man’s cheeks and his eyelids were starting to swell. There were gas masks in the back seat. I handed him one and put one on myself and got some blessed relief from the oxygen cylinder.

Outside the car, people were running and screaming and it was mayhem. I felt sorry for the people still outside and without benefit of the equipment that I had. I don’t have certain answers from that night. I don’t know if it was tear gas or pepper gas or why anybody ordered it deployed in the first place because nothing was going on — at least not that I could see or hear. No windows were being broken, nobody was being rowdy, nothing. The situation escalated and got ugly only because the tear gas was deployed. It was unnecessary. That’s all I knew then and that’s all I know now.

It occurred to me shortly afterwards that I was tremendously lucky to have had access to that car and that gas mask at that time. It also occurred to me what an idiot I was to have gone to the demonstration to begin with, but as soon as I had that thought, my next thought was, “Isn’t the right of peaceful assembly guaranteed by the constitution?” Yes, it is. But when those rights are abridged by a trigger happy constabulary, it is a sober and frightening thing.

That night was a pre echo of things to come in my life. I ended up working at KHOW in 1978, as the Assistant Music Director and then I went to another radio station, KWBZ, where I was a newscaster and talk show host. There I made friends with talk show host Alan Berg, who was gunned down by neo-Nazis in his driveway in 1984. If that piece interests you, read this one about women in broadcasting in the 70’s.

I also ended up meeting Jerry Rubin, one of the Chicago Seven, at a press conference in 1979, where I shocked those present by asking Rubin to address allegations that he was a sellout for going to work on Wall Street and becoming a millionaire. Rubin didn’t answer the question although I was far and away not the only person to have put it to him.

Then I worked on a documentary film that had its roots in the same 1968 Chicago riots that made Rubin infamous. A friend of mine who was in film school at the time lived close to the riots and grabbed his camera and went down to shoot some footage. He ended up meeting a group of American Indians. He followed their lives for the next eight years and made a documentary called “The Divided Trail” which was nominated for an Oscar in 1979. Goes to show you how your life can change by just picking up your camera and following your curiosity.

Then the last mystic chord of memory from this era — up until tonight — was struck in 1981. Jane Fonda was married to Chicago Seven activist Tom Hayden at the time. They were living in Santa Monica and having a fundraising party for one of Hayden’s political campaigns and my friend Kit got the catering gig. He called me, desperate for a hot h’or d’oeuvre dish and I told him, “crab curry in coconut milk in a pastry shell — with a doily underneath.”

So now you know my roots in the 1968 Chicago Riots, the 1972 Boulder Riots and what it’s like to be tear gassed at a peaceful demonstration.

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  1. The “law & order” president violates the right to peaceful assembly, which is a violation of the law and his oath. I never could stand hypocrites of any ilk. Remember these tactics are used in every totalitarian state that ever existed. Welcome to orangebob shitpants’ thousand year Reich…last time it was responsible for the death of 60million people. It was a fight last time…what makes this different? Some people escaped to America…where will we run to? Detroit?

    • I was encouraged that many governors said they didn’t want any military intervention. Even Abbot in Texas said that. And the attorney general of New York said that she would fight any attempt to send troops to New York legally. I think Trump is shooting himself in the foot.

  2. I liked hearing your story, Ursula. I was only a couple years older than you but seemed to miss most of the happenings. In 1972 I was a 21 year old single mom od an infant trying to find a way in the world. And knowing little of what was going on ‘out there’.

    • I knew a great many women in the same boat. This night was interesting, needless to say. It just happened. Sometimes strange and interesting things just happen. I’ve been grateful for these moments.

  3. Hi Miss Ursula……when I was in Army basic training we had training where 5 or 6 men would, while wearing gas masks, enter a hut about the size of a one stall garage, no lights and filled with tear gas…..we were then ordered to unmask, come to attention and say our name, rank, and serial number…..then required to wait to be dismissed afterwards. I would equate the feeling in your respiratory system,eyes and skin to jumping face first into a bonfire…you can’t see because of your eyes being flooded with tears from burning and you can’t breathe because the gas had filled your lungs….not to mention the snot forced out of your mouth and nose which reached the ground as your skin burned like fire. That was 1982 and I remember it like it was yesterday. I can relate with you not remembering all of the other details of the day, but you will never forget that gas.

    • That is true. I couldn’t remember the name of George Wallace’s freaking party and I don’t remember how many days the riots went on and I couldn’t remember some of the slogans and had to look them up again — but the gas, I remembered as if it was yesterday. The white cloud in the sky and then how it felt. And I remember vividly the redneck. But the rest of the details are blurry. I also remember feeling that I was tremendously lucky that we got out of it and we had gas masks with an oxygen cylinder. I didn’t go through what you’re describing with the snot because it didn’t last that long. It was an OMG moment and then we reached the car. I knew immediately how much worse it could have been and was so grateful. Now I have another reason to hate Donald Trump, him unleashing tear gas on innocent people.

    • There were lots of large demonstrations, some of which turned into riots over in Carbondale due to it being a town with a major university – back then when you added in the graduate students we’re talking 30k plus students. I didn’t even graduate high school until 1975 but since it was only six miles away I got to tag along in the late sixties and early seventies (before getting my driver’s license) to watch goings on from a distance. The older folks made sure we were far enough away to get the hell away from things once the tear gassing started so I never got a whiff of it – then.

      However, I’d eventually wind up joining the Marines in the 1980s and boy did I learn, just as you did. Since I got turned down for OCS (they thought I was too old) I enlisted and despite my request to go to Parris Island I got sent to San Diego, but significant chunk of time was spent up at Camp Pendleton and I’ll never forget that first time with tear gas. It wasn’t just a typical, bright sunny day but also close to noon when my platoon got our turn in the gas chamber. We went through all of the typical stuff to make sure we inhaled a shitload of the stuff and my eyes were watering so much I was effectively blind. Once they let us out with the warnings not to rub our faces and especially our eyes they ordered us to tilt our heads back as far as possible so that the tears would clear the worst of the gas crystals from our eyes. Again, it happened to be a day without a cloud in the sky and noontime so the glare from the sun was a pretty big problem! Worse, since this was recruit training there was no heading back to a squadbay for showers and a clean set of clothes. All in all a miserable experience because the military grade gas irritates the hell out of the skin and when your clothes are saturated and you can’t change them anytime soon AND will be engaged in lots of physical activity that will cause your clothing to rub hard against your skin it flat out sucks.

      Later on when I was in grunt school (infantry training) after boot camp our instructors gassed us all the time. They had plenty of gas grenades they’d use instead of fragmentation grenades, the latter of course which are lethal but if we screwed up enough to get a grenade hitting near us they wanted us to suffer. I recall one particularly bad night as it was a Sunday and I’d spent a delightful day with a lovely gal up in San Clemente on the beach. I was only mildly sunburned, but had a body surfing mishap. I’d not gotten the hang of it despite multiple weekends of trying, and had given up for the day and was wading in when a bigger than normal wave came up behind me so I gave it one last shot and actually did it! Alas, it was quite a bit larger a wave than normal and I was in too shallow water and the wave “broke” over me and slammed me (hard) onto the sand below the water. I didn’t understand why a couple of lifeguards who’d watched me had come running up to me. All I knew at first was that I was spitting out sand, my nose (and face in general) hurt like I’d been punched and my chest was raw like I’d skidded along on the ground. It was when the lifeguards explained why they’d come running I realized how lucky I was. They were fearful I’d injure my neck (or worse) due to the shallow level of water I’d been in and one of them said he’d actually shouted NO to me when he saw me set up to try to body surf that wave. I’m damned lucky my chest and face hit the ocean floor at the same time. I literally could have been paralyzed or killed. As it was I got a lecture about safety and common sense as they helped me wash the sand out of my wounds.

      And after dark our troop handlers decided to take us out on an all night exercise practicing ambushes. And sure enough I got tear gassed big time. I had to deal with that shit on my still raw chest the rest of the night!

      I hated annual requalification for gas mask, because of course it meant a trip to the gas chamber. But at least as soon as it was done we were able to get back and take a shower & change clothes. Once I was stationed in DC when we got back from Quantico one of the guy in my squad who was married showed up for duty that night and he was miserable. He’d ignored instructions about showering and instead took a normal, HOT shower! “Monster” learned the hard way why you’re supposed to stand under a cold show and just let your body get rinsed off for as long as you can stand the cold water.

      Having said all that, at least my experiences were something I’d signed up for. People who are exercising a Constitutional right to peacefully assemble and “petition their government for redress” shouldn’t be subjected to tear gas. Not even the toned down variants that are supposed to be used in law enforcement settings, although I suspect a lot a military grade stuff is being used these days. Even when a protest gets out of hand the use of gas should be minimal and only as a last resort – as in protesters engage in a level of violence to people or property that is truly out of control and truly dangerous. What happened for Trump’s photo op was not only disgusting, but an order than anyone from the military taking part should have refused. If I were still stationed up at Henderson Hall across the river and had been ordered over there I’d have wound up in the brig down in Quantico instead. I specifically recall in training on the UCMJ that we had a DUTY to refuse unlawful orders. Ok, so refusing carries major consequences even if eventually exonerated, but troops are taught (at least they used to be) that they are not legally required to obey an unlawful order. In fact, they can and HAVE been successfully prosecuted for obeying such orders. It’s a real life Catch-22, which is why there’s a special responsibility officers and especially senior ones bear in such situations. Officers are supposed to protect their troops, and if THEY refuse to carry out orders to attack civilians, and especially those protesting peacefully as though they are the enemy in a war zone then the rank and file troops (who almost always are the ones charged and do time) don’t have to navigate that Catch-22.

      This is where Milly and the rest of the Joint Chiefs FAILED in their duty – to the Constitution AND those who serve. I’m thinking they should have resigned on the spot and issued a statement clearly stating their refusal to carry out the President’s orders to deploy our military, even National Guard units in the manner the President has stated publicly he wants to see them used. By failing to do so each has dishonored his uniform and is unfit to lead. I’m not buying the “we didn’t know the President really meant it” bullshit. But even that’s not the point.

      Even Trump’s public statements about the use of the military in this way should have been enough for them to privately stand up to him and firmly say NO! And if in private Trump wouldn’t back down then they should have exposed him by going public in the manner I suggested above.

      • Maybe we need legislation against the use of tear gas in these circumstances. There has been too much abuse of the substance. The night it was deployed where I was, Hand to God, there was no rhyme or reason. It was a stupid maneuver and messed up a of people. I only got a taste of it and it was enough for me for a lifetime. That stuff is awful.

  4. Ursula, about this passage: “Trump hefted the Bible, as if testing it’s weight, and when asked if it was his, he replied, “it’s a Bible.” Trump probably doesn’t know that people actually own such things and read them.”

    You left out one VERY important bit that, if the reply is accurately verbatim, should get the true evangelicals to completely lose their s**t. See, most truly devout Christians–and, most certainly, nearly every die-hard evangelical–would never say “A” Bible but rather say “THE” Bible, especially in this context. “A Bible” might be acceptable phrasing when dealing with a whole boxful of Bibles (for instance, “Just pick a Bible out of the box, already, you heathen s**t”) but, in virtually any other instance–especially in the skit that Trump did–using the article “a” instead of “the” makes the Bible seem little more important than any other book. Most REAL Christians–even the less-than-fanatical types–take a certain pride in *their* Bibles. There was a scene on “Designing Women” when Charlene was confronting her pastor over his lack of support on the topic of women as Baptist preachers and Charlene speaks so lovingly of how proud she was when she got her own personal Bible and how she wanted to grow up to be a preacher and even though she didn’t do so, it wasn’t because she was told she couldn’t, just because she was a woman but, after the vote, she knew there’d be a lot of little girls who now would know they couldn’t become preachers and that just broke her heart. Charlene never spoke about “A” Bible; her Bible was too important to her to be just “A” Bible.

      • Joseph is not disputing what you said. He is absolutely correct, though. An evangelical would have answered, ‘It’s the Bible,” if the intent was to convey that the owner is irrelevant. I have known people who will not even stack another book or anything else on top of THE Bible.

      • As an example, in this video, at about 6:28 you hear the reverend say, “and holding the Bible…” not, “holding a bible…”

  5. Quite an inspiring story, Ursula. I was little then, so having the first-hand descriptions is amazing.
    It has something in common with the story of my daughter’s boyfriend, who was tear-gassed and pepper-sprayed along with his family on Saturday night in DC. After he got through coughing and could see again, he said it was a life-changing and meaningful moment. (Being a 16-year-old boy, he also noted that it was ‘pretty epic, actually’, lol).
    It has only strengthened the resolve of everyone to keep going; these stories are everywhere, and this country is at a huge crossroads and a watershed moment in history, just like the one you describe above.

    • It is a watershed moment. It was for me that night and again, I can’t overstate how grateful I am that I just got a taste of it, and not screwed up behind it. Because just the taste I got was unbearable an it seared itself in my memory. As L’il Blue Sock pointed out above, I have forgotten a lot about that night, but not the gas. Not the gas.

  6. When I was about 12, I got tear-gassed in a K Mart in Durham, NC. If I remember correctly, some asshole set off a canister at a Kansas concert and a cop confiscated a second canister. The cop later came to the K Mart and dropped the canister inside the store. Terrible stuff.

  7. My being teargassed event was in Chicago, the Democratic Convention. I was a 20 year old, in the Navy and stationed at Great Lakes. A buddy and I got weekend liberty and went to Chicago to find some weed. I wasn’t aware of the convention, but two obviously military types kind of stood out.
    We finally found a group willing to take a chance on us and ended up crashing at a house somewhere. We were rousted by the cops that night. I never knew why, we were all sleeping.
    The next day, I was with a bunch of ‘radicals’ in a park, kind of a counterpoint convention or demonstration (I wasn’t very political. I just wanted to get high and get laid. I was 20 and joined the Navy so I wouldn’t get drafted and sent to ‘Nam as a grunt. I didn’t want to kill or be killed). The gathering in the park got gassed. Luckily, the Navy made us train for that, so I knew how to cover my nose and run like hell..
    That next night I put my uni back on, so was allowed to sleep at the train station, after the last train left and before the first the next day.

    Anyway. That’s my tear gas story. Chicago of 1968. Democratic National Convention in Mayor Daly’s Chicago.


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