This is not a headline that you’re going to see just any day. This is a major step forward in political accountability and social engineering. New York Times:

Nine members — a veto-proof majority — of the Minneapolis City Council pledged on Sunday to dismantle the city’s Police Department, promising to create a new system of public safety in a city where law enforcement has long been accused of racism.

Saying that the city’s current policing system could not be reformed, the council members stood before hundreds of people gathered late in the day on a grassy hill, and signed a pledge to begin the process of taking apart the Police Department as it now exists.

For liberal activists who have been pushing for years for drastic changes to policing, the move represented a turning point that they hoped would lead to a complete transformation of public safety in the city.

“It shouldn’t have taken so much death to get us here,” said Kandace Montgomery, the director of Black Vision. “We’re safer without armed, unaccountable patrols supported by the state hunting black people.”

If this works out well, this could become a template for progress in law enforcement nationwide. It’s certainly worth keeping an eye on.


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  1. History in the making…regardless of the outcome, this is the boldest thing I’ve seen this century. The real trick will be finding an alternative that works…Godspeed, Minneapolis!


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