As the National Guard and local law enforcement attempt to enforce the 11:00 p.m. curfew mandated by the Mayor of Washington D.C., the Secret Service has Donald Trump tucked safely away in the bunker, the first time a president has sheltered there since 9/11. Anarchy reigns as protests continue for the sixth night. Trump is in silent running mode, except for his blasts into the ethernet on Twitter, denigrating Joe Biden and Democratic mayors and governors and blaming a loosely knit group known as Antifa for the riots. Trump is a one trick pony and being ugly is all he knows — which is truly tragic at a time when our country desperately needs the comforting presence of a calm hand at the helm of government. We will not get it from Donald Trump. Not tonight, not any night, not ever. It isn’t who he is. Washington Post:

“The rioting in the streets has put an exclamation point on what this president cannot do: To bring people around and say we are all in this together,” said Tom Rath, a longtime Republican official and former attorney general in New Hampshire. “On his automatic transmission, there is one speed. It is not conciliate. It is not comfort. It is not forge consensus. It is attack. And the frustration right now is that nobody is in charge. Anarchy rules.” […]

“Obviously the unrest and the anger is well justified,” said Al Cardenas, a Florida-based Republican strategist and a former chairman of the American Conservatives Union. “Hardly goes a week by when some white person, whether it’s a white supremacist or a racist law enforcement officer, does not kill a black person needlessly. … What the country needs and wants from the president, they’re not going to get. This president, I don’t believe, relates to the racism, relates to the pain. At least I haven’t seen it.”

The White House should probably be renamed the Mad House. The New York Times is reporting that Trump kept walking around the West Wing asking advisers on Sunday whether he should give an Oval Office address and the response was no, because of the error-ridden coronavirus address he gave in March and how profoundly that backfired. He did manage to slip through this.

“I’m going to win the election easily,” the president said. “The economy is going to start to get good and then great, better than ever before. I’m getting more judges appointed by the week, including two Supreme Court justices, and I’ll have close to 300 judges by the end of the year.” (So far he has confirmed about 200.)

Not only a one trick pony, but one with a one track mind. It seems obvious that Trump’s advisers are trying to protect him from himself and do damage control for his reelection campaign. Those considerations don’t leave much room for giving the nation what it needs and so the obvious vacuum of leadership in this country becomes more obvious still, as the days tick by and a rattled Trump goes back and forth to his bunker.

A few hours earlier on Saturday, Trump said on Twitter that demonstrators outside the White House on Friday night were met by Secret Service agents with “the most vicious dogs, and most ominous weapons, I have ever seen,” a seeming reference to the law enforcement practices in America’s segregationist past. He said many agents are “just waiting for action” and claimed that one had told him that fighting protesters was “good practice.”

D.C. Mayor Muriel E. Bowser (D) replied to Trump on Twitter by noting that the president “hides behind his fence” and that “there are no vicious dogs & ominous weapons. There is just a scared man. Afraid/alone …”

Trump is a coward, a man with no moral authority, because he has no morality, period. He is a troll and a reality TV actor, one without a script right now. What is needed is conciliation and unity. Trump can’t do that. It’s not in his make up. So he does nothing. Which begs the question: is this what we’re in for, four more years of nothing? Or has this carnival act freak show finally run its course and is going to get cancelled in November? If this republic is to endure, that is to be devoutly prayed. The events of the past few months have shown what a complete fraud and failure Trump is. To quote Macbeth, “Now does his title hang loose about him, like a giant’s robe upon a dwarfish thief.” Trump was never plausible in the role of U.S. President for one minute — and the tragic irony is that no one in Hollywood would have given him the role, unless it was in a farce. Trump was always ludicrously miscast and now he is grotesquely so.



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  1. I’ve noticed the glaring absence of any of those AR carrying, big talking, redneck sh!t stains Trump-O calls his base propping up the fuzz… predicted, they are at home, hiding under their rocks, sniveling and shaking in terror.

    You cowards like to talk your civil war BS, but when someone starts it, you run and hide…..cowardly scum.

    *comtemptuous smirk*

    • A pattern that has been true for such types since at least Hitler’s Beer Hall Putsch nearly a hundred years ago, where Hitler tried fleeing when it all fell apart for him.

    • Trump always folds, i don’t give a flying f what he says. Now he is hiding, like the coward he is. He is not operating from a position of strength. The American people are speaking, loud and clear, so trump hides. Not a surprise. He is flailing around, trying to run the narrative, it is not working.

  2. I’d rather call it Hitler’s bunker than the Mad House myself, as the latter implies a rational adult in charge. But you’re quite right when you say that it is not in his makeup to do what’s needed here. It’s not even ON his makeup.

      • Why waste the energy, Blue? We always knew it was going to. Fretting about it now makes as much sense as worrying about throwing up on the roller coaster long after you’ve bought the ticket and strapped in. You want clear eyes on what’s next, check in with Hoarse Whisperer on Twitter. He’ll tell you EXACTLY what Trump’s next move is, without fail.

  3. When hair twitler was elected, I told my husband some things. I said that he would be impeached and he would breach national security because he is too stupid not to. I also said that we might not recognize our country when he was done with it. Sadly, that last part is breaking my heart, as I see it come to pass.

    • Sometimes being right brings no comfort. But as the Bhagavad Gita reminds us, nothing is forever, bad times included. In the meantime, we have our duty to do.

  4. So beautifully put, Ursula. Poetry. Alas, so many Americans still love the fool. For reasons anyone with a brain simply cannot divine. I worry about November more than can be imagined, or should be the case.
    Everyone should plan to do something election week, especially in Michigan, Pa, Minnesotta, Florida, North Carolina, or Arizona. He MUST be beaten. And the Senate MUST be retaken.


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