Earlier this week, I posted an article about the impending danger of His Lowness' kindergarten slap fight with the Koch brothers. It turns out that once again I underestimated the level of Trump's incompetence. Which is understandable, since once...
Please Dios, let this be the start of something big. Fresh off of another political version of a bachelor party in Florida last night, His Lowness is obviously full of piss and vinegar. Now he's picking a public fight...
Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know. Who gives a fat rats ass what I predict? What was I on the secret Manafort witness thingy, 50%? But tell me this, what in life, other than death isn't a 50-50 proposition. When you strip...
If you pay attention to polls, as I sometimes do, you'll notice one universal truth, everybody thinks that congress sucks. The only poll I have been able to find that gives congress positive marks is the latest R/T poll...
As you read this today (I wrote this last night), we are 108 days away from the November 2018 midterm elections. Polls continue to show high levels of Democratic enthusiasm, and the future hold the prospect of a world...
Anybody who loves sports will get this analogy immediately. Your favorite team leaves their game in the locker room, and is down by 27 points at the half. The coach hits them with a verbal flamethrower in the locker...
According to ThinkProgress, 16 million people were purged from voter rolls between the 2014 mid-terms and 2016 election and those purges disproportionately affected low-income and minority voters.  That means, Trump may have actually lost by 19 million votes. That number was calculated...
OK gang, hop into my trusty wayback machine with me, and let's return briefly to the dark day of November 9th, 2016. I want to do a quick comparison of the GOP's feelings on the day after the election,...
We've heard it for months now, "You can't just run 'against' Trump, you have to run on 'issues' as well." And I wholeheartedly agree. Just running against somebody because they're a lying, sadistic, misogynistic scumbag only gets you so...
This just tweeted: Avenatti says he will run for President IF Trump seeks re-election and there is no other candidate to has a real chance at beating him. Avenatti hinted at this last week but now has made his...



Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has. — Margaret Mead

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has.

— Margaret Mead