My best guess here is that two news items from today are connected. First, the Wall Street Journal published a story this morning detailing how Jack Smith is in the final stages of his investigation, then Donald Trump's lawyers sent...
Democrats fall in love, Republicans fall in line You all know my feelings about that old bromide. I've ranted about it for years, and after the almost miraculous Democratic conversion to discipline in 2018, 2020 and 2022, I put a...
You can stop holding your breath now, Donald Trump finally did it. Why it took him until Sunday to issue a papal bull on the ways of the heretic, Sidney Powell, who pled guilty in the Georgia election racketeering...
Donald Trump is the one who keeps complaining that we have two tiers of justice in this country. We're going to find out in the next couple of days if that's true or not. Trump is livid at Mark...
The only good news concerning Ron DeSantis is that he's soon to be off the political radar. He's the kind of a MAGA Republican that's like a meteorite. He flames brightly for a bit and everybody notices his passage....until...
On Thursday, March 7 President Joe Biden will deliver the most important speech of his life. Many think it will be one of the most important President speeches ever when history looks back on it. I'll let you decide...
Trumpty Dumpty went nutz earlier today when he heard about the excerpt from Liz Cheney's book, that Kevin McCarthy was called to his side at Mar-a-Lago because he "wasn't eating." Trump took to Truth Social and lashed back, telling...
Those who refuse to learn from history are doomed to repeat it Oh, boy! Looks like Florida Governor Ron Pissantis really shit in his mess kit this time. The minute I saw the video on MSNBC tonight, my flashback was...
When I heard the news today that RFK had chosen Nicole Shanahan as his running mate my reaction was "Who?" I'd never heard of her, at least that I could remember. For reasons I'll get to we all might...
You've probably heard that Casey DeSantis is vying to be the next Jackie Kennedy and she and Ronny are going to create Republican Camelot. The photo above is where she's starting. You know the old expression, "It's not where...



Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has. — Margaret Mead

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has.

— Margaret Mead