The Trump touch is definitely not golden, if we are to believe the polls. Trump himself has always under polled, it is believed because people don't want to tell pollsters the truth and admit that they're voting for him,...
I write a lot of Onion-esque headlines here. The fact of the matter is, the more absurd and Onion-esque they may seem to you, the more literally true they are. Somebody actually said this. Ali Alexander was one of the...
Sooner or later it had to come to this. You could feel it in your bones. Like two veteran boxers, they've been feinting and jabbing, keeping their mitts up, neither wanting to open himself up too early. But not...
Newt Gingrich has gotten only one thing right tonight and that is that the words Herschel Walker and commitment do indeed belong in the same sentence. Deep commitment is precisely what is needed at this point for this very...
One of the interesting things about politics is that you never know which races are going to be the linchpin races, the ones that are determinative of a much larger prize. In 2022, the Nevada Senate race has turned...
There are normally two pretty much givens about going into the midterms of a new administration. One, the party in power normally takes a bloodletting. And two, it is a referendum on the policies and successes of the ruling...
If you're looking for ground zero in MAGA crazy land, look no farther. Arizona is it. And the sad reality is that Arizona was it way before last night and the particular debacle of Kari Lake v. Karrin Taylor...
We're now in the Cecil B. DeMille portion of the Mar-a-Lago version of Sunset Boulevard. In the film, Norma Desmond was convinced that her return to the screen was imminent and she drives to the studio to discuss the...
Just a quick trip down memory lane. Trump loses the 2020 election by more than 7 million votes. Trump immediately whines that he won, and was the victim of massive voter fraud. Trump goes 0-65 in state and federal courts trying...
There haven't been any bombs going off in the Nevada desert for quite some time, but Lindsey Graham, lapdog to Donald Trump, has just succeeding in righteously pissing off the local election officials not to mention the local press,...



Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has. — Margaret Mead

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has.

— Margaret Mead