I know the secrets that you keep. When you're talking in your sleep. --  The Romantics   Talking In Your Sleep OK, I feel better now. While I don't blame or begrudge the House Select Committee their right to vote to...
The Associated Press is reporting that it obtained a copy of an internal memo at the Pentagon, detailing the timeline and fleshing out the severity of the event. Mike Pence called the Pentagon from a safe room and demanded...
Even as Rupert Murdoch-owned print outlets The Wall Street Journal and New York Post both published op-eds declaring Donald Trump unfit to be President…, as discussed in this linked discussion on NPR… …”(Michael) MARTIN: So what caught your eye about...
John Eastman is the latest member of Trump world to plead the Fifth Amendment. The wonder will be when and if one of these people actually answers a question and doesn't plead the Fifth. The non productive Eastman situation...
I think that we all pretty much agree that the January 6th committee blew the doors off Thursday night. But one thing is going to end up standing out over everything else that came that night. It has already...
I swear, this is going to get good, and not too long from now. I have written previously that the MAGA GOP House crowd, as well as Trump's advisors and butt boys went into this feeling bulletproof. They were...
Bothsiderism can be amusing and what you're about to see is Donald Trump taking it to the limit. He posted the video below on his Truth Social account. He conflates the challenges that Democrats made to Russian interference in...
The newest Trump Era book, Peril, hits the stands tomorrow. Quite a few good tidbits have been teased already, but I particularly like this memorandum from John Eastman, a purported constitutional law expert. He used to teach at Chapman...
First there was Stop the Steal and that led to the Big Lie. And that led to the unthinkable, Americans smashing out doors and windows in the nation's Capitol. As you look at these images and remember that horrific...
You've heard the adage that a person who has himself for a lawyer has a fool for a client. Mo Brooks is proving the truth of that statement as we speak. Brooks filed paperwork seeking dismissal of Eric Swalwell's...



Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has. — Margaret Mead

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has.

— Margaret Mead