This day was always obvious to me. When it would dawn, I had no clue. But dawn I knew it would, because of the lesson that the Greek playwrights taught thousands of years ago, character is everything. If you...
This is a loaded image, and the fact that Donald Trump was stupid enough to repost this, i.e., advocate for it, is more evidence still on how tone deaf, racist, not to mention stick stone stupid he is. But...
Did some wizard do a body switch between Donald Trump and Mike Lindell? I have to ask because Trump went to New Hampshire to campaign this morning and register for the New Hampshire primary and he sounds exactly like...
You can stop holding your breath now, Donald Trump finally did it. Why it took him until Sunday to issue a papal bull on the ways of the heretic, Sidney Powell, who pled guilty in the Georgia election racketeering...
If you read my post about Donald Trump demanding that the debates cease and all the presidential contenders unite behind him, then you know that he was plenty wigged out yesterday. Kenneth Chesebro pleading guilty to the felony charge of...
It was predicted yesterday when Sidney Powell pled guilty in Georgia that many others would follow suit and here is the Architect Of Fake Electors himself, Kenneth Chesebro, entering a guilty plea to a single felony charge, Count 15...
Bloggers get accused of hyperbolic headlines all the time, but I believe we can prove up the truth of this one, handily.  It's basically a no brainer that Sidney Powell will be called to testify against Donald Trump in...
Republican Representative Jim Jordan appeared on numerous right-wing news outlets on the days leading up to the Capitol Hill riots whipping Trump supporters into a frenzy by repeating the Big Lie that the 2020 election had been “stolen” because...
"A man who is his own lawyer has a fool for a client." -- English Proverb Mike Lindell is going to prove up the truth of this maxim. Aye yi yi, what a show that is going to be. Lindell...
Another day, another entry into the Donald J. Drumpf compilation of “You couldn’t make this s*it up” stories. Herr Gropinfuhrer’s lawyers in the case seeking to exclude him from the Colorado ballot in 2024 for inciting a riot and sending...



Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has. — Margaret Mead

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has.

— Margaret Mead