As jaded as I have become writing about all the shenanigans that Donald Trump and his minions have perpetrated over the years, I have to say that I'm pinching myself right now to see if I'm awake. Trump has...
In "1984" Winston Smith makes the observation that "the best books are the ones that tell you what you already know." He says that when he's allowed to read the truth about the society he lives in and it...
We all wondered what would happen after the eventual collapse of the Arizona Fraudit. Some people figured that the MAGAs would finally give up and skulk away with their tail between their legs. And others figured that they would...
This is like letters crossing in the mail, or ships passing each other in the night. Earlier Thursday Donald Trump sent out one of his email missives addressed to Greg Abbott, imploring him to work on an audits bill....
This is simply too comical. The Great Screenwriter In The Sky definitely wants to rub it in, but good. Donald Trump crowed earlier this evening about how he found it "Interesting that the Unselect Committee of political hacks 'dropped'...
I guess this is a bus that Mike Lindell needs to ride to the end of the line. In 12-step programs the end of the line is characterized as going "to the gates of insanity and death." Lindell has...
This is conceivably the most important development in the Big Lie since the first news conference which the members of Strikeforce Rudy had back in November. Intriguingly, it's not being labeled "bombshell" in screaming caps, probably because the meaning...
Maybe Sidney Powell really is looking for some form of the insanity defense to save herself from litigation with Dominion Voting Systems. Her latest spiels are getting pretty wild. She's been heard to accuse Democrats of murder and to...
The newest Trump Era book, Peril, hits the stands tomorrow. Quite a few good tidbits have been teased already, but I particularly like this memorandum from John Eastman, a purported constitutional law expert. He used to teach at Chapman...
The Big Lie is Donald Trump's monomania. He just can't let it alone. Take a look at the letter sent today to Brad Raffensperger, the Georgia Secretary of State, where Trump insists he's found evidence of fraud in absentee...



Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has. — Margaret Mead

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has.

— Margaret Mead