I guess this is a bus that Mike Lindell needs to ride to the end of the line. In 12-step programs the end of the line is characterized as going “to the gates of insanity and death.” Lindell has a big enough bank account to where his ride will be to bankruptcy and beyond. As you may have noted yesterday, the goalposts have now been moved to “before Thanksgiving.” That’s when SCOTUS hears the case and by some non existent mechanism restores Donald Trump’s presidency. Lindell also said over the weekend that the State of Alabama, as good as their system is, was hacked as well. They say different. The Hill:

Alabama’s secretary of state is dismissing claims by MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell that 100,000 votes in November were flipped from then-President Trump to then-candidate Joe Biden, contending that such a situation is “not possible.”

“All our [voting] machines are custom-built. There’s no modem component. You can’t influence them through a cell phone or a landline. There’s no way they can be probed or numbers manipulated,” Secretary of State John Merrill told AL.com.

“We didn’t have any vote changes. Zero. It’s not possible to have any vote changed,” he added.

Merrill says that Lindell purchased a copy of the Alabama voters roll, which anybody can do, and then started seeing wrongdoing where none exists. But it’s vintage Lindell.

In a video posted on Sunday, Lindell said that while Alabama is a “role model as to how elections should go,” the state’s voting system was “hacked… just like every other state,” according to AL.com.

He said people may have accessed the system through bluetooth technology, without offering additional evidence to bolster the claims, or saying who he thought was involved.

He did, however, say he would have to conduct a “deeper dive” on the situation.

“This was the one time we’re going to have to do a little bit of a deeper dive here. On the surface you can’t see where it happened,” Lindell said, according to AL.com.

“What I guarantee they’ve had to do in Alabama is the bad people…went deeper into the well. Very deep into the well of how they did the flips,” he added.

He said based on his data, 100,000 votes in the state were flipped, adding that “every single county was affected.”

What makes this last statement interesting is that Trump won Alabama. He got 1.4 millon votes to Biden’s 849,000. So now Lindell can’t take yes for an answer? Even in states which Trump won, it’s not by enough?

Don’t forget, Thanksgiving is the third weekend in November. That’s the deadline Lindell gave himself to get this all trussed up and presented to the Supreme Court.


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  1. Soon we can expect a press conference, or hell even another telethon with Lindell announcing he’s gotten “absolute, IRREFUTABLE proof” that the actual vote totals in the last Presidential election was 330 million for Trump and ONE vote for Biden. He will do his “hardy har hars” over Biden being the only person that voted for Joe Biden – that not even his family voted for him! And he’s got actual documents to prove it!

    Of course those pesky “fake news” people and even some conservatives will ask him how that is possible since not everyone in the U.S. is a citizen and can vote. Isn’t the answer to anyone who tries to understand MAGA types knows Lindell will reply that since “everyone knows” non-citizens like permanent residents, “illegals” and so on don’t actually respect our laws they go ahead and vote! But, BUT he will emphasize Trump has been so awesome for the U.S. and the world they ALL voted for four more years of Trump! “Isn’t it obvious?” he will say?

    Then someone will point out that even U.S. citizens have to be 18 years old to vote. And ask Lindell how even infants could have voted for Trump. He will of course be ready to deal with such silly stuff. He will reply that once they were old enough and learned how awesome Trump was that they WOULD have voted for him so their parents cast those votes on their behalf. And it was legal! It’s right there in the Constitution and SCOTUS will “in a few weeks” declare this to be so!

    Seriously, there is no limited to the bat-shit crazy demented flaming bullshit that shoots out of the asshole on this giant asshole’s face.

  2. It has been over 9 months since the 2020 election. The republiQ-Nuts have had more than enough time to “investigate”. So NOW it is time to PUT UP OR SHUT THE F*&K UP! Show us the evidence of massive election tampering/fraud RIGHT NOW!! OR ADMIT IT DIDN’T HAPPEN AND THAT BIDEN LEGITIMATELY WON!!!

  3. Hmmm. Lindell might actually be onto something here, folks.

    Just not what he THINKS he’s onto.

    In 2020, Trump got 1,441,170 votes while Biden got 849,624 (that’s 62.03% to 36.57%). There were also 32,488 votes cast for Jo Jorgensen (Libertarian) and write-in votes (or 1.4%) so the total number of votes cast was 2,323,282.

    In 2016, Trump got 1,318,255 votes while Clinton got 729,547 (that’s 62.08% to 34.36%). Of course, there were also 75,570 votes for Gary Johnson and Jill Stein along with write-in votes (or 3.55%) so the total number of votes cast was 2,123,372.

    So, 2020 saw an additional 199,910 votes over 2016 and Trump’s total increased by 122,915 while Biden’s total increased by 120,077 over Clinton’s. Obviously those two totals add up to more than 199,910 but third party and write-in votes decreased by 43,082.

    So, it’s entirely possible that 100,000 votes were switched–but TO Trump rather than from Trump.

    Then again, it’s just Lindell being an idiot who doesn’t realize that Trump’s margin of victory over Biden was WAAAAAAAAAAAAY over 100,000 (591,546 votes, to be exact) so unless Lindell could find evidence of 5 times as many switched votes, Trump still got Alabama’s full electoral votes and, even if it *could* be changed, it wouldn’t matter.

    Unless this is somehow Lindell’s new thing: Finding “evidence” of “switched” votes in deep-red states and use that to somehow extrapolate evidence of voter fraud elsewhere. But, the time to have done that was last year (preferably between Election Day and December 14–when the Electoral College vote was held).

    • They are hangers on collecting whatever they can off of him. Parasites. Just like Trump’s evil spawn and yes, I now include Tiffany in that group. Her mom tried so hard to set her up to chart her own course in life away from Trump and it was all laid out there for her to have a successful career free of the stink. And she chose to grab some easy, big money instead of putting in 5-10 years at a reputable law firm and all the other stuff she could and should have done. Anyway, kids like this and other relatives don’t intervene because it would mean shutting down the gravy train. They will ride that sucker to the end and hope the brakes slam on just before the eventual crash just enough they can jump off without getting killed.

    • Agreed! A police officer seventy-two hour hold on Lindell would be MORE than enough time to perform a psych eval on the guy and get him his own private straight jacket and padded cell! Do us a favor, somebody, ANYBODY close to this guy, get him some help before he does something really stupid! He is SURELY a danger to himself if not to others.

  4. Someone needs to do a mental health intervention before he does any more damage to himself.

    Also your notifications are quicker. I just got two about your Beto running for governor post 4 days ago — but nothing recent.


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