Wow, I wonder if the editorial board of the New York Times will see this clip of Donald Trump’s Fox News town hall tonight and convene an emergency meeting to demand that he drop out of the race. Oh, and this was a unique town hall, FYI. Not one single question came from the audience. Whut? That’s right, a town hall with no participation from the town. What’s that you say? Why even bother with an audience if it’s just another Hannity/Trump taped ass kissing fest? Don’t ask me. I looked at my income tax return and it does not say “Fox News Producer” in the occupation line. Here’s Trump doing a Biden-esque gaffe and then repeating it — but it’s perfectly okay if you’re a Republican.
This is elder abuse.
A family member needs to step in and have Trump step down.
— 👑Gorillianaire👑 (@Gorilianaire) September 5, 2024
Yes, let’s ask Michael Moore to assess this. He was so glad to throw Joe Biden under the bus and claim it was “elder abuse” to allow him to continue. Moore even went so far as to suggest that Biden resign so that Kamala Harris could have some time in office as an incumbent. Massively stupid idea for several reasons: 1. That would hamstring Kamala time wise and she needs every minute she can to campaign on such a short and truncated schedule as it is; 2. Her genius right now is in framing Trump as the incumbent and 3. framing herself as the change candidate. 4. Biden has served honorably and well. He deserves to finish out his term with dignity and grace.
The comedy here is that the GOP and Trump’s campaign have a one track mind and they can’t catch up to reality even though it’s been about six weeks now since the change on the Democratic ticket. But Bobo, not surprisingly, is stuck in the past as well.
Why are you still going after this man? He's not your problem. Winning your election is your problem.
— Ursula Faw (@ursulafaw56) September 5, 2024
And Miss Thang has conveniently forgotten all about this, needless to say.
😂😂 let’s pretend Trump never did this!
— Miz Anthrope (@jenaglez) September 4, 2024
I don’t know what the kiddy table is with the presidential seal. Maybe they should bring Donald a CPK kid’s pizza and kid’s drink, that will fit in perfectly with the scale of the situation.
A little man at a little desk with little snacks. I remember the occasion depicted on the left quite well. Trump was in a horrible mood and snarled at a reporter’s question, “I am the president of the United States and you’re a lightweight.”
What a small, sad, insignificant, empty man…he needs serious help that he’ll never get because he refuses to have any self reflection. It’s amazing that we are coming out of the last 4 years with a country still intact. Good riddance.
— USED TO BE G.O.P. (@Used_To_Be_GOP) November 26, 2020
That was Trumpty post-election and pre-insurrection. I can’t wait to see what new persona he morphs into on November 6 and thereafter. It should be something straight out of a sci fi horror movie.
Let’s see what happens the rest of the “campaign.” I put it in quotes because I have never seen a presidential campaign which consists of:
- Golf
- Fox News
- More golf
- An occasional rally in a deep red state, particularly in a sundown town.
My best guess on all of it is that this is the best Trump can do right now. It’s not 2016. He’s out of gas. And J.D. Vance is a series of broken glass clusters on the road, guaranteeing a blow out.
OK, I’m from outside the US, and you had better believe a lot of folks here in Australia are looking at this race with horrified fascination. I suspect the same holds true for many other countries.
If anything, the prevailing opinion amoong people I have talked to is that Joe Biden has been a terrific President, but until his withdrawal was proving to be a terrible re-election Candidate.
We are a lot happier now that the changeover has occurred, and gone so smoothly so far, but the debate and Electoral College still loom as potential spoilers.
Absolutely! I’m in the UK and I’ve been following the political developments in the US since tRump was elected on 2016, and I am desperate for him not to be elected again. If he is, then I will have to stop following as I don’t think my sanity will be able to take it.
“a lot of folks here in Australia are looking at this race with horrified fascination”. Understatement. From behind the couch trying not to look through fingers in hand over eyes. Used to look UP to the US and had optimism that it would pull through and beyond the race and gun cultures seen first hand. Unless the MAGA snake is thoroughly scotched, I have little hope that the system will hold through the long haul required to get back to reasonable civility. Having visited most of the states and having once been avid to revisit some and see more of the country, I have limited desire to experience what seems to be a high level of volatility/incivility on many fronts. Real thoughts and prayers from here (as opposed to the plastic/formulaic ts and ps trotted out after yesterday’s incident in Georgia – one more symptom of national dysfunction)
Be thankful your country is an island far, far away from U.S. shores. That doesn’t protect you from whatever you find on t.v./internet/radio–only you can do that. lol
Be thankful that Australians are by and large sensible people. I hope you all are watching sh*t-shows like ours and some of the others going on in Europe, S. America, etc. and taking notes so you can avoid looking this damned stupid.
The presidential mini-desk is designed to be easily moveable, for signing ceremonies outside the Oval Office. Perhaps President Harris can consult Sarah Huckabee Sanders for new furniture recommendations.
Come on…using a word like ‘think’ with those two? Amoebas have a richer interior life. Amazing how privilege and money produces such useless people.