It’s a blessing that we live in a technological age where moronic comments are recorded on video. Maybe our conception of history would be different if we had the same kind of equipment back in the days of Franklin, Jefferson and the like. It’s possible that one of them might have had an off day and said something regrettable, but I find it beyond imagination that any real statesman or stateswoman in this country would have made a gaffe like this one.

Larry Elder was part of a two-person Oreo convention on Candace Owens show earlier this summer. The conversation turned to reparations, which is generally understood to mean reparations to black people for the centuries of slavery on this continent. Not in Elder’s lexicon. He offered the view that ‘”like it or not, slavery was legal. And so, their [slave owners’] property, their legal property was taken away from them after the Civil War. So, you can make an argument that the people who are owed reparations are not only just Black people but people whose ‘property’ was taken away after the end of the Civil War.””

And it gets worse, if you can believe it. Owens spoke about returning to Africa.

“I think I could be pro-reparations,” Owens said. “I think we should allow people the opportunity or the chance to go back to Africa. I would sponsor that like you wouldn’t believe.”

“I don’t think you would have a long line,” Elder said, laughing.

“This was one of the first countries to ban the slave trade,” Owens added. [Editors’s note: It was one of he last. See detail below] “I mean Britain was ahead of us. The U.K. was ahead of us. America was just right behind them.” […]

“And by the way, that’s why there was no war in the U.K. The slave owners got substantial amounts of money,” Elder said, “which is one of the reasons why they didn’t fight a war.”

And this guy wants to be governor of California. Maybe he’ll be like Reagan and go from Governor of California to the White House and then he can work on evening the score with the slave owners. Not good enough they lived off the sweat of their slaves and deprived them of their humanity, now their descendants should have cash on top of it. It’ll play in Texas and Florida, at the very least.

And it doesn’t stop there. Here’s another humdinger.

Right Wing Watch:

Apparently Elder is unaware that the U.S. has offered reparations to white slave owners. The Civil War was already underway when President Abraham Lincoln emancipated slaves in Washington, D.C., in 1862 via the District of Columbia Emancipation Act, which granted those slave owners loyal to the Union up to $300 for every slave freed. Formerly enslaved people received nothing.

While the U.S. abolished the transatlantic slave trade in 1808 (a year after the U.K.), it did not abolish the slave trade or slavery throughout the United States until 1865, making it one of the last—not first—countries to do so. The U.K. abolished the transatlantic slave trade in 1807, but gradually ended slavery with legislation passed 23 years later. The British government did indeed pay 20 million pounds to “compensate” slave owners.

Elder’s comments fall in line with others he has made on racism and slavery. According to The Sacramento Bee, the conservative radio host has stated that systemic racism is a lie, blamed rising crime on Black Lives Matter, and claimed that welfare is more harmful to Black families than slavery. He also supports banning “critical race theory”—an academic framework for examining the ways in which systemic racism shapes and influences national and social institutions—in schools.

If you know any Democrat in California who isn’t already committed to Gavin Newsom over Uncle Tom sellout here, send them this article. As far as I’m concerned, this should be the banner headline on all the newscasts from now until Tuesday. Larry Elder is bad news. California would do better to sink into the ocean than have this clown run it.

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  1. “I think we should allow people the opportunity or the chance to go back to Africa. I would sponsor that like you wouldn’t believe.”

    Umm – has he ever heard of Liberia (or the American Colonization Society)?

      • I grew up in the south but learned the rich boys started this country, started the Civil War, & have perpetrated multiple wars to enrich themselves. I’ve lived in Florida, California, Oregon. & Massachusetts. The first time in my adulthood I heard the word ‘nigger’ used casually without any self awareness was in Ohio. The biggest myth, amongst others, is racism was only in the south & the northern states were fighting a noble cause. Bullshit. New York city money people wanted to join the confederacy cuz all their capital was tied up in slavery/cotton. Both my granmas had best friends who were black. I adopted a black child, who is 26 now. Been married to a mixed lady & have lived with a dark skinned lady from Tuskegee Alabama for 16 years. Prejudice against a region is misinformed & an oversimplification, as is against a person. No one is innocent in America.

        • To me, ‘nigger’ was the pronunciation of the Latin word for ‘black
          Case / Gender Masculine Feminine Neuter Masculine Feminine Neuter
          Nominative niger nigra nigrum nigrī nigrae nigra
          Genitive nigrī nigrae nigrī nigrōrum nigrārum nigrōrum
          Dative nigrō nigrō nigrīs
          Accusative nigrum nigram nigrum nigrōs nigrās nigra
          Ablative nigrō nigrā nigrō nigrīs
          Vocative niger nigra nigrum nigrī nigrae nigra

  2. I read a piece in Politico today (yes, I took a shower after, lol) in which the author discussed having written an article many years back and Elder excoriated her on the show. She agreed to come on, thinking it was a setup, and in an off air moment Elder admits he agreed with the article and that all his nonsense was for controversy and listeners.

    I believe the article entirely. This is just another fake conservative grifter looking to make a buck by making people angry and saying stupid things. That is what this run for governor is…just another grift.

    I won’t celebrate until it’s over, but I think we’re going to cream him.


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