The polls are still open but results are beginning to trickle in. Dave Wasserman is the House editor of the Cook Political Report. Here is what he just posted.

Cross your fingers, your toes, your knees. Anything. Chant. Burn candles, incense, tires. Who cares?

It was predicted that he would lose in Asheville and we flat out don’t know about much more.

I’ll tell you one rationale by which it makes sense that he loses the primary. Mark Meadows held that seat. Cawthorn got in by dint of the oldest rule in the book, being in the right place at the right time. He was answering phones in Meadows office, and according to a story in Politico, “Not even doing that right.”

He was good looking, photogenic, with a heart wringing story about how he became crippled so young. He talked the right talk, about unity — until he got elected and became an out of control troll and MAGA monster.

There may be a lot of old school Republicans who were all too happy to see him succeed Mark Meadows but did not like him trashing the district and the state with his insane behavior. Those GOPers may be making their presence known tonight.

I hope so. How I hope so.

Maybe we’re going to get lucky tonight.

This fruit fly may survive the night but look on the bright side: possible gift to Dems.

Some terrific people in the GOP, eh what?


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