And then there were three. First, disgraced lawyer and turncoat Kenneth Chesebro jumped the starters gun, being one of the first ones to surrender to the sheriff for processing, and then the next day appearing in state court to demand his right to a speedy trial, before he was even arraigned. Then came former RWNJ legal dingbat Sidney Powell, plighting her troth with Chesebro’s. Jeez! If those two ever had a kid it would look like the Chucky doll from Childs Play. And now Green Bay Sweep architect John Eastman wants to find out if three really is a crowd.

I wrote when Chesebro played his hole card that he was taking a chance, and Powell as well when she joined in. They are gambling that the Willis team may not be able to separate just their testimony and evidence from the other 16 in 60 days, omitting damaging evidence from the trial. They’re also getting themselves out from under the shadow of Trump. But the more this shakes out, the more it begins to look like there’s a very practical tactical trial decision being made here.

A few days ago I wrote an article I had a barrel full of monkeys with, in which I compared The Don Cornholeone crime family with a real crime family. In the article I showed that just like in a real crime family, the Traitor Tot Georgia crime family also had a hierarchy, and as long as the buttons kept their mouths shut, the higher ups were safe.

It’s still true, but now I can fill out the Family Tree out a little bit more, so you can more easily follow the logic. Obviously trump is The Slobfather. Rudy Giuliani is the Consiglieri. And wanna be players like John Eastman, Kenneth Chesebro, Mark Meadows and Sidney Powell are the Capos. That’s your hierarchy. The rest are all underlings or button men.

Here’s the rub. In a real crime family, the loyalty of the button men is retained by a combination of respect and fear. Take a fall and keep your mouth shut? Your family is taken care of while you’re inside, and when you get out, you’re a man of honor for having followed Omerta, the code of silence. turn stoolie, and you’re likely to end up as what we in Chicago liked to call trunk music. Locked in the trunk of a stolen car with a double tap to the back of the head, if not worse.

That’s the problem. Nobody in the Cornholeone family is going to garrote somebody, and dump them in the river in a cement overcoat. And while they may fear Trump’s wrath, they don’t fear death. Once you get below the hierarchy, the buttons are a bunch of stupid, greedy political lowlifes who got in way over their head. But they’re not going to go to state prison on behalf of Trump, or any of the other clowns in the higher echelons.

Which is why it’s now a race against the clock. By filing for and receiving a speedy trial, most likely all three of these miscreants will go to trial on October 23rd. Nobody has even been arraigned yet, that doesn’t happen until the week of September 6th. And tactically, it’s wiser to wait until a defendant has been before a judge, and has an actual trial date staring him in the face before you try to flip anybody.

By its nature, flipping a criminal defendant takes time. The prosecutor has to scare the sh*t out of the defendant, then the defendant has to agree to flip. Which leads to a proffer session, which federal prosecutors like to call Queen for a day. The miscreant comes in and tells prosecutors every even possible act they, or anybody they know has ever committed, down to that cookie pilfered from the kitchen countertop when you were four. Then the prosecutors have to decide if what you have is worth trading for. If they agree to a deal, then they have to deep debrief you for the whole story, and then independently verify that it’s the real stuff. Which takes time.

And that’s what Chesebro, Eastman and Powell are counting on. When you get below them, all the rest are mostly Georgia political yokels. But Chesebro, Eastman and Powell all share one thing in common. being the public face of this cluster f*ck, they are all likely to have had at least some direct contact with one or more of the button men. Which means that they’re all prime meat for the button men to try to roll over on to save their own sorry asses from an extended stay in the clink. Believe me, this trial can’t get here quick enough for Chesebro, Eastman and Powell.

Because if Georgia is like Illinois and Nevada, at a prescribed time before trial, the prosecution has to provide the defense with a detailed witness list, so that the defense can research and possibly interview them to prepare for trial. If Willis is going to flip any of these to put pressure on the Capos, she’s going to at least have enough evidence that they have the goods to add them to the witness list. If the case goes to trial first, the prosecution would need The Virgin Mary herself to come into court and explain to the judge why he should allow a Pearl Harbor job like this on the defense at the last minute, especially from somebody the prosecution has had since day one.

Which is why I wouldn’t be surprised to see The Ghoul Man join the speedy trial train. Giuliani is the clown Prince of The Gang That Couldn’t Sh*t straight. It has already been proven that Giuliani not only appeared by phone at a GOP Georgia Senate meeting to push the bogus elector scam, he at one point showed up in person, and for a grand flourish, put El Pendejo Presidente on the phone.

If some of those button men decide to slip on Eastman, Powell and Chesebro, and do it in time to appear at trial, then the most logical big fish for them to roll  over on is none other than the baggy pants comic, Giuliani. But if it would be hard to flip any of the little fish against the Axis of Evil in time to make the witness list, it would be almost impossible for them to flip one of the Axis in time if Giuliani is sitting at the same defense table. Which is why it makes perfect sense got Giuliani to board the speedy trial train, but common sense isn’t in stock for Giuliani these days. I bet he leaves his ass swinging in the wind.

Which is why Meadows may have made a grievous error in judgement in trying to get his case moved to federal court. If, as most legal analysts predict, Meadows fails in his attempt to get his case moved to federal court, the next most likely d*ck move for him would be to appeal. And if he loses there, he’s at a defense table with Trump, his time to request a speedy trial will already have expired.

Let’s just say that a couple of buttons roll over on Chesebro or Powell. Or even if they don’t, as the trial date approaches, they see that the tea leaves do not auger well for them. one or more of them are going to roll over on Rudy Giuliani in order to save their own cowardly skins.

And if that happens, then there’s only one place for Giuliani to turn. And for all of his shortcomings Giuliani is nothing but stupidly loyal to Trump. And here Mark Meadows just personally gift wrapped himself up as a gift patsy for Giuliani. After all, it was Meadows himself who tried to move his case to federal court, since as Trump’s Chief of Staff, Meadows was entitled to federal court protection. And logically, if Meadows was Trump’s Chief of Staff, who else would Giuliani be taking his marching orders from? And if Giuliani rolls over on Meadows, we’ll all find out just how strong Meadows’s loyalty to Traitor Tot really is. My guess? Nowhere near strong enough.

There’s a damn good reason why comedian John Oliver dubbed this political fiasco as Stupid Watergate. from top to bottom, every member of this crime family is a f*cking moron! Real crime families survive based on feral loyalty from the buttons. The Trump crime family hierarchy was so drunk with their own invincibility that they never even considered failure as an option, much less the fact that any of the underlings could come back to bite them on the ass. As the beloved Mr. Rogers used to say, Can you say state prison, boys and girls? Here endeth the lesson.

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  1. I think you’re correct about no one making a move/flipping prior to arraignment day. However, once they are all crowded in, packed (along with their lawyers) like sardines on the defense side a lot a glances around are going to be happening. Each of those lower level defendants and their lawyers will be anticipating that, and that very evening some tough decisions are going to be made. However… Lawyers that know each other, in both civil and criminal cases have a way of talking to each other which communicates clearly what each side wants to get across. Yet in that strange way of communicating neither side is locked in, and either side is free to make decisions based on those conversations.

    I’d be willing to bet such “chats” have already been taking place. And defense lawyers, who it seems aren’t being paid for by Trump will be looking out for their client’s interests and no one else’s. They will also be able to gauge how valuable (or not) what their client’s evidence/testimony will be, AND almost as importantly if their client doesn’t have much to trade how much “credit” will be given for owning up, pleading guilty or at least nolo contendre (basically not admitting guilt but that the state has too strong a case to fight) will reduce any sentence. Within a day or two deals will start getting made and while you’re correct about the “Queen for a Day” thing these likely aren’t in most cases people with a lot of prior criminality to confess to in a proffer. That means nailing it down, especially if prosecutors have been given an “unofficial preview” via the informal communications I just spoke of it’s not crazy to think that in a couple of weeks or less any who will be witnesses can be put on the list. Given that jury selection for a multiple defendant trial will take some time defendants who want to fight it out will have ample time to interview those who have flipped.

    I wouldn’t be surprised to see 8-10 folks either go on trial or plead guilty be the time jury selection starts in October. And THAT will make those who didn’t jump on the speedy trial train increasingly eager not to be standing there with no chair to sit in when the music stops!

    • I forgot to mention something else – your mention of “Chucky.” From where I sit a child produced by Powell and Chesebro (or Eastman for that matter) would cause Chucky to flee in terror!

  2. I don’t want to sound like a slobbering squinty eyed moron like Pat Roberson, but Meadows smarmy arse violated a sacred commandment: Thou shall have no other gods before me. Uh Oh.

  3. Tip jar to Murfster35. Does he have a legal background? His explanation of the judicial procses in court helps anybody to understand the wheels turning with this crime family. LOL.

  4. Wonder if Cheeley will.roll.over? My husband’s annoying @$$hole high school.classmate is gonna losec, however it goes down. He will.face disharmony at the very least. And that big old mansion in the middle of Buford, where we lived for seven years is expensive and requires beau coup bucks in upkeep.
    Not to.Buford Bob: Confederate money Jane legal.tender, you sli.y son of a …judge.

  5. The rest of them have two days to get in on the October 23d date. Georgia defines a speedy trial as one within the term after the term in which the demand is made. Georgia has two-month terms. The current one ends August 31. So IF anyone else demands a speedy trial after that date, and IF Georgia allows that, we’d be talking Christmas or thereabouts..

  6. Another great article, Murph. I remember reading quite awhile ago that several of the fake GA electoral slate flipped and made plea deals upon dumping their trumpy lawyer. So I don’t think this is going to be as helpful as these myopic assjackals think it will be. And, Slobfather. Chef’s kiss!

  7. That pic of crazy sidney is downright frightening. How’d you like to wake up to see that in the middle of the night? You’d have a f*cking coronary.


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