It’s a constant mantra these days that the mainstream media has completely dropped the ball with respect to what is really going on with Donald Trump, the collapse of the Republican party, and the 2024 election. Nowhere are you going to find a better exhibit to that proposition than in this New York Times article that *reports* on Trump’s incendiary rally in Ohio. This report is a dumbed down whitewash of what actually took place. Thank heavens we live in a day and age of electronic media and clips were made of Trump’s usual bombastic rhetoric. Take a look at how the New York Times, the paper of record in this country, the Grey Lady, who has published continuously since 1851, translated and paraphrased Trump’s inciting violence and demeaning people. They did not *report* it, as that term is understood.

The headline is “Trump says some migrants are ‘not people’ and predicts a ‘bloodbath’ if he loses.” That’s not bad. I don’t take umbrage to that. But the detached voice of this piece, which technically paints a picture of what happened yesterday, but does not get down to the real meat of the matter, is not journalism.

Example: “Mr. Trump called Mr. Biden a “stupid president” several times and at one point referred to him as a “dumb son of a — ” before trailing off. He also compared Ms. Willis’s first name to a vulgarity, called Mr. Newsom “Gavin New-scum” and took jabs at Mr. Pritzker’s physical appearance.” Let’s address the Fani Willis crack. Saying that he “compared Ms. Willis’s first name to a vulgarity,” is not the story. The story is what we had here yesterday, “It’s Called Fani, Like Your A$$.” THAT is the story. That is what readers want to hear. Not, “he compared Ms. Willis’s name to a vulgarity.” This isn’t reporting, it is alluding and what the hell good is that? People pick up a newspaper they want to know what happened not some vague gloss-over with no details. People want to know what was said and this was one of Trump’s most inflammatory comments of the day.

I don’t know why this is happening. And that wasn’t the only thing. They put Trump’s “bloodbath” comment in a dumbed down context as well. “While discussing the U.S. economy and its auto industry, Mr. Trump promised to place tariffs on cars manufactured abroad if he won in November. He added: “Now, if I don’t get elected, it’s going to be a blood bath for the whole — that’s going to be the least of it. It’s going to be a blood bath for the country.”’

The right-wing media is whitewashing this comment — with the assistance of the New York Times — to mean that Trump meant that the auto industry was going to experience a blood bath. That’s bullshit. Trump was talking about the auto industry and then he talked about himself, his only and favorite subject, and he said there was going to be a bloodbath. His exact words, take a look, were, If I don’t get elected, it’s going to be a bloodbath.” But Marjorie Taylor Greene and the rest are scurrying to insist that he was only talking about cars being made in China. Sheer madness. But if the Times is printing a clarification of this, I have yet to see it.

I think that anybody’s decades in any field, or in no field at all, prepares us for the 2024 campaign better than this bastardization of journalism does. This article by the New York Times did not report what happened at that rally. It gave a few quotes and a bland synopsis of what happened. That is not journalism. Great journalism is defined by the context that a piece gives us, a view into a larger whole, that a mere recitation of facts can never give. Jimmy Breslin won the Pulitzer Prize for putting JFK’s burial in profound context by talking to the Black man who dug his grave at Arlington Cemetery. He shared with us the common man’s insights into the falling of a great man, a great president. That’s journalism. The two stenographers who penned this milquetoast diatribe have totally missed the boat.

Why is that, becomes the bigger question? Is there some corporate overlord who is pulling for a Trump reelection and a continuation of welfare for the rich, namely Trump’s tax cuts to the uber wealthy, to come back? I honestly have no idea. It’s no secret that access to powerful people is what motivates a lot of journalists. Kristen Welker was raked over the coals for the softball interview she did of Donald Trump and then her sycophantic coverage of him since then, crowing about how he “trounced” and “decimated” Nikki Haley in South Carolina — when in fact exit polls in that primary and others clearly indicate that at least 40% of the Republicans who showed up for the primaries are virulently anti-Trump.

There is an insistence of perpetuating the myth of both siderism and a race horse election. No matter what happens, the media seems hell bent on minimizing, if not outright dismissing, anything that doesn’t fit into that neat little paradigm that they have created.

Therefore, we are getting a half-baked version at best of what is really going on out there. This is alarming, needless to say. You recall the poem, “First they came for the Communists and I did not speak out because I was not a Communist. Then they came for the Socialists and I did not speak out because I was not a Socialist.” I think we should rewrite it to add, “Then they came for the Journalists….and we don’t know what happened after that.” Because that is pretty much what has happened in this country with respect to the mainstream media.

Let’s see if the New York Times does anything to address this firestorm. I’m a subscriber. I’m going to tell them that if this is the best journalism they’ve got I’ll keep my twenty-eight bucks a month and get my news elsewhere. If you are also a subscriber, join with me in solidarity. If they hear from enough of us maybe it will make a dent.


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  1. The answer to your question is one I’ve said numerous times before. It’s quite simple. “Horse race” coverage of this or any election is easy to do and cheap. No having to pay good journalists to dig out and create good, compelling stories. Just roll with the horse race crap and if there isn’t one (as in a close race to grab people’s attention) hype irrelevant bullshit to drag one candidate down to make it an even race. Because that will get attention (and as I said at low cost to the outlet) AND more importantly more ad revenue.

    It’s all about the fucking money. For those in the boardrooms and executive offices, and in many cases even the “talent” the damage wrought to the country and the world doesn’t matter as long as they get their fucking money. THEY will have the means to get out of dodge, or at least live in some secure, gated enclave and enjoy their ill gotten gains. They don’t care any more about regular people who have to live in the wreckage any more than Trump does!

    • Shareholders demand profit. Profit demands ratings. Fueled by drama and horse race. But if 45 turns into 47, their “coming to Jesus” moment will be too late.

    • One of the best investments ever made by the wealthy/craporations is to donate to republicans in order to get their tax bills cut. It has been extremely lucrative for them and positively disastrous for the nation. Yes, not paying journalist salaries is money not spent which is good for the bottom line but the money they save by not paying their fair share of taxes is obscene-it puts the money saved by not paying employees to shame really.

      These fools are going to do whatever they can to get people into the w.h. and congress who will work to bring their tax bills down to zero-hell, they’re almost there f.f.s. Eventually however I think one of these fools they get into the w.h., trump comes immediately to mind, will have brought to his attention something unflattering said or written about him years back and having been made dick-tator for life, will toss everyone connected (including the owners) into the slammer for crimes against the state. Wealthy people, because they never have to worry about the things we worry about, do not think about the downsides to anything other than revenue–it will be their downfall if we don’t turn this country around….obviously it will be our downfall as well.

  2. The power of mainstream journalism peaked and died with Watergate and it’s been spayed and neutered ever since.

    Iran-Contra? No problem here.
    Iraq hosting the Taliban? Bad CIA, bad, bad, bad.
    Weapons of Mass Destruction not found? See bad CIA. Not a problem.
    The Apprentice 2.0 2017-2021. That’s just Donald.

    And if there is a scandal, there will be at least one “media outlet” that will run a counter-story.

  3. What, though, can any person do about the NY Times in particular? Would it make the slightest ripple if I sent them a stern and carefully worded letter? Would they even care if several thousand readers dropped their subscriptions? What do they care about, corporately, anyhow? What could ever move them?

  4. Is it any wonder that Donald constantly calls the paper the “FAILING” New York Times?

    Of course, when Donald called them that, it was because they actually dared write articles that didn’t flatter his fat ass, not because they wrote articles that misreported the news.

  5. I’m a subscriber to NYTs.
    I will be cancelling tomorrow.
    I normally listen to NPR.. getting spineless too..
    I’ve also watched CBS Sunday Morning for years..I’m older..hehe.
    What happened to Margret Brennan?
    Muzzled, I used to like her.
    Pitaful she didn’t rake kiss ass Pence over the coals.

  6. The answer is hiding in plain sight, on the left end of the NY Times masthead, where they say they carry “All the news that’s fit to print.” Obviously they don’t consider Trump’s remarks fit to print. Very often they find the turht unfit to print. They don’t want to shock their readers or anything.


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